Uh, h-hey... °Jon X Reader°

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Nobody requested this, but I wrote it. I wrote it because... GIANT ROBOT. Alsooooooo it's sorta liiiiike a vent thingggggggggggg so expect sad shiiiiiiittttttttttt.


Your POV:

You knocked on the door to where Eduardo, Mark, and Jon lived. You weren't too familiar with Eduardo and Mark, but you hung out with Jon almost everyday. Maybe, at least, twice every week. You had fallen head-over-heels for the sweet boy just after meeting him for the first time. Eduardo opened the door and smiled when he saw you. "Jon, your girlfriend/boyfriend is here!" Eduardo teased, yelling at poor little Jon.

Jon came running over to the door, a bright red blush on his face. Eduardo winked at you and left you two alone. "S-sorry about Eduardo, he's... uhm..." Jon trailed off, so you decided to help him out. "Nah, it's fine. Wanna watch Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 9?" You suggested as Jon moved out of the way, showing that you could now enter.

You came into the house and saw Mark chatting with Eduardo nearby. They would occasionally point at you or Jon and snicker. While Mark and Eduardo was watching, you gently grabbed onto Jon's hand and pulled him away from the door. You forgot what you were planning on doing, but you lead Jon to the couch.

You sat down and tugged on Jon's hand to make him sit next to you, way closer than he usually sits with you. He glanced at you and blushed madly as you leaned on him.

He picked the T.V. remote up and silently went through some of the channels until he found one that was playing the new best-selling movie, Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 9. He must've gained courage, because he wrapped an arm around you and side-hugged you. You both looked away from each other, your faces reddened. "J-Jon, I've been meaning to tell you something..." You started, looking back at him. Should you confess right now? Or maybe... you should just confess later...

"Yeah, what is it, Y/N?" Jon replied, his cute voice making your heart melt. You panicked and avoided the topic. "Jon... how's the movie?" "Uhm... it's g-good, I guess. What were you about to tell me?" "Okay... I can do this... J-Jon... we've been friends for, what, a year or so? I'm not sure, but... I really... let's go into your room..." You told him, standing up from the couch.
Jon nodded and stood up, quickly walking to his room and entering. You came in after him and closed the door behind yourself. You both sat on his bed and had a long, awkward silence. "S-so..." Jon muttered, breaking the silence. You took a deep breath and looked at Jon.

"Jon... you're super awesome. You should try being yourself more often. You don't have to be like Mark and Eduardo all the time. I... like, I like the real you. You're honestly the cutest person that I know of. You are so funny, slightly talented in tap dancing, and charming. Do you wanna go out with me? Like... a date?" Jon looked like he was overwhelmed by all of your words. He nodded and hugged you, which you returned.

"Jon, are you crying?" "...M-maybe..." "Oh, Jon. What am I gonna do with you?" You patted his back and he sniffled. "I-I just... never thought that anyone would say that about me. I'm usually just a shadow of my friends..." "Well, you don't have to be. Express yourself more often!" You said, trying to encourage Jon.
It worked, and Jon released you. "Y/N, I've... liked you for a while... but... I thought that you didn't feel the same way..." "Aww, Jonnie!" You pecked him on the cheek and he nearly fainted. Edwardo bursted through the bedroom door with Mark by his side. "YEAH! GETTIN' THAT PUSS, MY LITTLE BOY JON!" Eduardo shouted excitedly. "E-Eduardo, no!" Jon sputtered, blushing deeply. You put a hand on your forehead and shook your head, smiling.

- LONG Time Skip, 'The End' Starts Now -

You and Jon laughed, sitting on the couch of his house and watching T.V. "Jonnie, you're such a nerd!" "N-no I'm not!" "Yes you are!" "Am not!" You heard loud noises coming from outside, and Eduardo came into the room. "Are you guys banging in here?" "No! It's coming from outside!" You answered, both Jon's and your face turning red.

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