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---- Lin's POV----
"Who ARE you?"
The beautiful lady had slight joy brewing in her astonished eyes.
"Do you really not know?" I cocked my head to one side.
"Lady I was born into slavery, I can't even read and you expect me to know who you are?" The beautiful lady laughed as the cloaked person took off the cloak to reveal another lady. A much older lady but she still looked really young. She gave me a smile
"Child come here."
I nodded as I made my way over to the older lady."Is it true that you cannot read or write?" I nodded yes to the older woman who asked. The beautiful woman behind me finally spoke
"I am the eldest miss of the Zhao family. This is my mother." I gaped slightly and started to laugh as I got to my knees and gave a respectable bow.
"This slave gives greetings to the eldest miss and first wife." My eyes shimmered as I looked at the pair. They looked at each other with a knowing look before they started to leave with me in tow. As they entered the carriage I looked confusedly at the contraption. The first wife realized my struggle and let out a jade hand to help me into the carriage. I was aware that I looked like dog as I glanced down at the people around the carriage. I felt a hand haul me back into the interior of the carriage. The first wife looked at me curiously.
"Had you not ever ridden in a carriage?" I shook my head no.
"Master should be aware that slaves rarely get this privilege. Most time we walk beside the carriage, but this is my first time." I had no reason to be dishonest with my master. They were always an intrigued when I told them my policy of honesty. I looked once more out of the carriage curiously. The surroundings were full of people, it looked like a sea. Just constant movement, people yelling out prices and servants moving about.
As the carriage kept moving closer to the palace, the buildings started to look more expensive as well as more grand. I felt my jaw drop as we arrived at the Zhao compound. To say it was extravagant was underestimating the wealth of the Zhao. Who did not know of the Zhao merchants who controlled over two thirds of the capital revenue? As the women got down I put these thoughts at the back of my head and closely followed making sure I took in all the over the top designs and gaudy colours. I felt slightly sick when I smelt heavy perfumes. When I looked at the eldest miss her nose was also wrinkled. I tugged softly on her sleeve.
"Eldest miss, I see you have taste by disliking this gaudy scent."
I laughed openly as did she, but when the Master sent us a glare we quieted down to quiet chuckles. We arrived at the center of the compound which seemed to look like Master's husband quarters. I heard the soft tinkling of a woman's laughter and how Master tensed at the action. Noticing this I closed in on Master and placed my hand in hers. She seemed rather taken aback as I drew comforting circles in her skin with the pad of my thumb. She gave me a bright smile before a servant announced our arrival.

When we entered, the awful smell intensified. But I kept it to my self as both Master and the eldest miss took up their roles. I was about to take up mine but the grip of Master's hand on mine signalled what she wanted. So I continued comforting my Master. As the scent got stronger I started to adjust myself to it. When I came face to face with the Master's husband and second wife it was hard for me to not frown. In front of me the man was currently in the second wife's bosom and roaming his hands over where ever he could touch the soft white skin. The second wife sneered at my Master. I focused entirely on my Master and not letting my rage get the best of me. I could see how broken my Master felt about this sight. I looked around and I took one of the pillows that was near my foot and picked it up. I chucked it at the table which caused platters to crash to the ground and food to fall on the Master's husband and second wife. The woman screeched as wine and food fell all over her. Both my Master and the eldest miss look surprised but they were glad for my disturbance. The woman looked at me and started to bawl her eyes out.
"Lord, that insignificant slave ruined this concubine's dress. Punish her for these grievances."
The man was about to scold me until he realized it was his first wife looking at him with a pointed look.
"My servant did nothing of the sort. She just arrived, how would she know of the inner workings of the Zhao family. Maybe by accident you pulled to hard on the table cloth causing everything to fall." I looked at my Master with stars in my eyes. I idealized her as she stood proud to protect me. My Master was truly thick faced. I looked at my Master once more curiously as to the cause of first speaking with the Lord of the house. But I found that it was not for much.
"Lord I would just inform you that there will be a banquet tonight that requires you to make an appearance."
The sentence came out a little strained but she managed to keep up her appearance. I could tell how much she loved the Lord but very little was received in turn. Master was a hopeless romantic, but there was nothing I could do for her. That was something that takes time and effort for both parties to once again achieve harmony.

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