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---- Lin's POV -----

I looked at the man who held the sword. It wasn't a man. It was a woman wielding it with both poise and grace. My mouth hung open as I looked at the pretty woman. The crowd also seemed stunned as I looked closely at her. 

It was very different from any sword that I had seen before. While most swords in this country were flat with double-edged sharpness, this sword was very thin. It looked almost rounded with a very pointy end. It did not look like it could make deep cuts, but various lacerations on the skin. 

I stood up and walked up to the woman with the blade. I felt the wind rush up to me as the point of the sword was pressed against my throat. "What do you want?" I pointed to the sword. She pushed the tip away and I relaxed slightly. 

"May I?" She looked towards the merchant who disapproved. "No." I sighed and slouched. "Can I at least look at it more closely?" She looked back at the merchant who shrugged. She lifted up the sword before my eyes. As I looked more closely I noticed it wasn't round. It still had the same flat blade as the swords here, but it was extremely sharp.

Even if you could not hack off a man's arm with it, it would still be able to do a lot of damage. I wonder if it would break under a broad sword? My thoughts wandered as I looked at the blade itself. I then looked at the guard on the sword. The intricate metal designs protected the hand, so they wouldn't let go of the sword. 

"Is it heavy?" I looked back up at the woman. She shook her head no. "What do you like about this sword so much?" She seemed to take her time in responding as she looked at me. "Versatility." That was when the floodgates opened in my mind. I gaped as I realized that the answer was right in front of me.

Versatility. That was what magic was. I was trying to force my magic into a shape that it was not. Air fits any shape, my weapon could fit any shape without an issue. I smiled up at the woman. "Thank you. You've seemed to solve my conundrum." She gave me a confused look as I rushed off back to the alley. Once I reached the alley and pressed the array I disappeared and reappeared inside of the hut.

I let my magic rush through me as I ran outside of the hut. With my magic, I made a sword similar to that of the woman. It looked like an extension of my arm as the air and magic snaked up my arm and was a long thin sword. 

I took a swing of the sword and a large rip in the earth appeared. I sliced at the air and at the far end a tree fell down. I understood why Feng Mian made me make weapons. It was the base for understanding how to accomplish an element base attack. I smiled as I kept slashing with my sword. 

With another hand, I summoned an earth halberd. The stone halberd came to my hand as a wielded it clumsily. Seems like I need Guan Yu to teach me how to wield a halberd. I crashed the halberd into the ground and various pillars of earth erupted from the ground. 

 I smiled more brightly as I called for water. From the sky, a pillar of water approached me as it crashed in front of me and formed a large shield. The water swirled around in the shield with constant movement. From the shield spouts of water appeared and made needle-like weapons. They attacked the truck of a tree and drilled their way through.

I called finally fire. A spark appeared in my palm that roared to life of a large flaming bow. Similarly, with the bow, I was clumsy as I notched in an arrow and sent it soaring into the sky. I willed the arrow to become a bird as it screeched in the air and exploded. I felt the heat it radiated before simmering out.

I laughed wildly after releasing so much magic. I smiled as I plopped down into the dirt as I looked up at the cavern sky. Nothing seemed to matter at that moment as I tried to copy Yun's magic. From above me, my gold magic created a blanket above me. It looked like a halo above me as small flakes started to fall. 

I wished I could do more. "Lin." I felt my magic disappear as I looked up at Feng Mian. She looked down at me with an intensity that I rarely see. "What's up?" She seemed to fidget at my words but did not comment yet. I blew out a breath of air but felt there was a comment that was left. She shook her head and motioned for me to follow her. 

I looked at her curiously but did nothing as we left. When he made it into the alley Feng Mian paused. I looked curiously at her. "You are a hazard here to me. You will disappear slave." The last word came out harsh as I was knocked on the back of the head and felt my world go dark.

---- Feng Mian's POV -----

I sighed as the slave owner appeared from the shadows. "Lady Mian. Is this the mage you are talking about?" I nodded as I didn't look back at Lin. I felt sick having to do it, but I believed in self-preservation. That mage who took a liking to Lin is likely to come back for her. 

I could not be apart of that. I need to convince that mage is all he needs in a woman is me. I sighed as they placed her in the magic restrictive chains. They hauled her up and left her immediately. The beautiful thing about those chains is that no mage could find out who wore them.

That meant that he could not find her. Regardless of who he was. Now dealing with Shen would be slightly more tricky. The easiest way would tell him that Lin went out. Which is true. And on her way back she never returned. That would clear me of any suspicions because it would have nothing to do with me. Unless that little curse came back somehow.

No. That's not possible because I told the merchant to sell her in another country far from here. She can't return. Not with those chains on her. I let out a sigh as I returned back inside of my compound.  I would live past this. I do not regret my actions. Lin needed to disappear for an unidentifiable amount of time. 

---- Lin's POV ----

I groaned as I opened my eyes. I was greeted by the large trees and the birdsong. When I lift my head I heard the rattling of the bars. "Mage's awake!" I looked about to see a young man my age shout. I gritted my teeth as they opened the cage. I attacked the man who opened it as I tried to escape. 

Another man tackled me to the ground as I wormed about under him "Get off me, you idiot!" He hauled me to my feet as I continued to struggle. In front of me a group of finely dressed women looked at me. I tried to release my magic but as it was about to escape it reached a barrier. 

My eyes flashed with anger as I kicked the man who was holding me. He groaned as he dropped me. I needed to get back to the city. I tried running again when I heard someone say. "Stop" The chains wrapped around me forced my body to kneel.

I frowned as I continued to move. "I would suggest you stop. You are under my command slave." I looked up at the woman in front of me. I sneered as I spit at her feet. "I do not serve you." She grabbed a fistful of my hair. "You are going to help me become Queen. Once I become Queen, you will be gone from my sight mage." 

She dragged out the last word as I looked at her with a slight surprise. I hid it before she could see it as I tried to kick her away. A guard grabbed my foot before I could do any real damage. I looked at him with anger as I twisted myself out of his grip and attacked him. We fought to a standstill. I huffed as I looked at the guard who was fine.

My hair fell in front of my face as I  kicked up dirt. It distracted him as I tried to run for it again. "Stop" My body was forced to kneel again as I gritted out "Ah, fuck" I decided to ragdoll as I laid in the dirt. I could see the woman in the corner of my eye. "Done trying to run?" I shrugged at her question.

Maybe. I don't know. "What's your name?" I groaned as I lifted myself out of the dirt and moved my head forward. My hair fell in front of my face as I whipped my hair out of my face so I could have a better view of my surroundings. "Lin."


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