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---- Rong Shen POV -----

I let out at sigh at Lin's flippant attitude at Teng Wu. Wu still felt stiff after having been called out as I tiger by a slave. Most weren't aware of Wu's tendencies to be mischievous, and eager made him a tiger. But to be called immature in front of a girl at the tender age of 15 must of been a hard blow to Wu's ego. I turned to Wu "That girl is not as simple as you think." I let a small chuckle escape me "She even called you a tiger." I couldn't hold back my laughter at my friends misfortune. Wu looked at me with a sour look. Surely he had a taste of his own action. He huffed as he followed me into my courtyard. 

"Shen, where did you find that little daughter of Sun Wukong"

Sun Wukong is the god of trickster

I shrugged. It was purely by chance that I had bought the girl. Something inside me told me it would be in my best interest to have her. And I had never doubted my gut, it always was right. I entered the garden that was located at the back that held a man-made pond. "Wu, just have her serve you as an assistant for a week. You yourself said that you are flooding in work and not having someone trustworthy copy the file has made the work double of what it should be. The girl is fiercely loyal. Did you notice how she was immediately wary of you around me? That girl will not scheme against you unless you have ill intentions towards me. So go and find her to make amends." Before Wu could reply I felt the compound tremor slightly. It was so minute most would have not realized it. I noticed how the pond flashed a dim gold color before disappearing again. I rubbed my eyes but nothing had changed the original water. It was one of those things that you could never be sure about. And this was certainly grating against my thoughts as I had never seen anything like it. 

------ Lin's POV -----

When I had found the mama, she gave me a scolding for looking like I had been trampled by horses. I bowed apologetically. "Mama, could you give me a set of clothing. The ones I'm wearing are not befitting of Master's image." I scrunched up my nose as I looked down at myself. I was tossed a set of servant clothing as I bowed to the mama before running to go clean off. I bathed and changed into the servant robes given to me. I brushed out my long hair and tied into a servant's hairstyle. I sat on the floor of my room in silence as I channeled my magic through all the inscriptions I had placed. It started out in my room and then slowly the magic crawled everywhere. I felt inside my mind how I could see the lines of the magic connect with an inscription lighting them up and moving onto the next seal. Once the network had gone through all the the courtyards I gritted my teeth as I made a large inscription in the earth underneath the courtyard. I felt how the ground shook slightly to show that the lines had already passed by. When I saw the very large inscription in my mind I forced my magic with loose ends to connect to the large inscription feeling the connection and the power rush through me. 

I let in a big breath of air as I forced the magic out of the courtyard to reach the inscriptions near the walls. I felt how they connected with the attack inscriptions as they sucked out a large portion of my magic. I bawled my hands up as I forced the magic past the attack inscriptions and reached the wall where I saw how the magic created a large square around the network of magic, enclosing the large inscription inside of the box. I felt the sweat coat my back as I whispered "Benedicat terra et caelum et locus praesidio."

When I felt my magic lock into place and the remaining magic rush back into me. I let out a big sigh of relief. I felt a cold shiver run through me as I look out the window with an exhausted expression. I sucked in air greedily as I lied down on the carpet before letting out a hoarse laugh. I had finally completed my first major seal. There weren't any books so I couldn't track my growth. But being able to make a major seal showed growth. Before I wasn't able to make one in the Zhao's library, but now I had which showed my growth. My thoughts went back to the major seal. The large inscription was the cause of using so many smaller inscriptions regardless of whether or not it was attack or defense. When I looked at the inscription it pulsed with life as it fed the other inscriptions with magic. That was probably the reason why I could not feel my magic being drained from me constantly. I used a bit of my low magic to make a notebook out of thin air. With my mind I the notebook had words appear on it.

Today I have come to learn of the power of major seal . The simple spells given to me by the old mage allowed me to be aware of the basic inscriptions, but as well as I have come to realize why major seals are so important. It seems that the after passing my magic through a certain amount of inscriptions a much larger inscription will be formed to keep the smaller ones sustained without my need. The only way I see where this could be a problem is when a person who is not tagged enters, but is not a threat. And whether or not I am able to override the magic. Most probably I can, but I would have to experiment. However right now, I can not do such things in my environment for the fear of my life. 

I left the room and went to eat. As I grabbed my meal I felt someone's grip on my shoulder. I shivered at the small hand. I looked over my shoulder to see the maid who had spoken to me about Master. What was her name again? Lan?Lei? No, what was it? Oh yes. Luo! Luo looked at me with a sneer before hiding it with kind smile. "Lin, Master is calling you again. So you can eat afterwards." I knew there was no afterwards. I couldn't eaat after this because there would be no more. So I stuffed a few bread rolls in my robes before stuffing one in my mouth as I made my way back to Master. The tiger was still there so this piqued my interest. They must be friends because that tiger refuses to leave his side. When I approached closer I noticed the tired and haggard look in the tiger's eyes. "Lin." My eyes snapping to Master's dark eyes.  "You will be helping Wu with his documentation for court. If you are able to prove yourself I will allow you into the outer courtyard of my area." My eys lit up. I did like that idea a lot. "Master when will I be back?" Master looked to the tiger named Wu. Wu seemed to come alive temporarily. 

"Oh, once I am done you will be returned." I nodded as I placed myself near the tiger. "Alright tired tiger." Wu seemed to have not approved of my nickname as he started to leave. I kept up with his long strides as I waved back at Master before arriving at the edge of the compound. I could feel the major seal trying to keep me here, but I refused and pushed through, doing so made me pale as I felt a big loss of magic in my system. I looked back to see a version of myself made of my magic which saluted me and turned into gold mist. I would have to put that in my journal later. Wu had already hopped into the carriage and was closing the door. I hopped into the box where the driver was and sat with him. We did not speak as we arrived at a much more lascivious home as Wu got off the carriage. I stood beside him as he made his way to his office. When I sat the catastrophe that was in this place I let out a large sigh at how much there was. Wu strided to his desk and started writing something out. I looked curiously at him. He lifted his head momentarily. "You can start by putting back everything in its place. It has to be organized by month, then subcategorizing by date, then organizing in alphabetical order." 

This was clearly pay back by calling Wu a tiger. I bowed as I looked through the files beneath me. First I started by month,once they were by month I followed by date. Each day had a minimum of three documents and a maximum of ten. After placing the first scrolls on the shelf I asked Wu "Is this the proper manner?" He stood up and looked at my work. He grunted before nodding and sitting down once more. I guess so. I noticed the markers of the days on the shelf as I placed the first month scrolls on the shelf. I was surely cut out for my work as I slowly started to see the floor  again. It was already late in the night when I picked up the last scroll. I let out a yawn as I turned to face Wu again. "Tiger I've done as you've asked. It no longer looks like someone had looked through your documents." Wu didn't approve as he spoke "Servant!" A boy appeared instantly "Get us some tea to help us stay awake." The boy left as I looked at Wu. "Your next task Lin is to copy word for word the documents I give you. If you mess up you'll be affecting all of the country." I gulped as I was given a small table, an ink grinder, and a pen.

Wu left a small mountain on my small desk. I noticed behind Wu the various papers that were drying behind him. I dipped my pen and started hacking away at the documents in front of me. Multiple were about how money would be spent in the kingdom, some were reports about the military. None had caught my attention till I noticed a document about mages. It seemed that the kingdom was willing to harbour mages in case of emergencies should the kingdom fall under sever attack. This was something reciprocated by other kingdoms who were also looking for them. But this document was simply about the proposition about it. It did not mention how it would accomplish finding mages.     

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