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---- Lin's POV -----
It seemed like the old hag was finally starting to get fed up with me when she saw me once more. I smirked at her as she shook her head. The servant gave the old hag her money before grabbing me. I looked curiously before he sneered at me. "What did that old hag tell you?" He seemed shocked that I spoke about the slave owner.

"Said that you were easy to handle and a few whips would settle you down." I merely hummed as we arrived at the large compound. Outside were various slaves that were chained in the snow. Some had died, while others were barely holding on. The man carrying my chains put me beside an old woman who was barely holding on. I checked her vitals to find she was still alive as I sat in the snow.

Slowly a woman and man came out. The other slaves pleaded the couple to let them in. They basked in the pleads. But I did not such thing. I watched as their eyes roamed on until they landed on me. I was still seated in the snow and hadn't reacted at all. They seemed slightly annoyed but did not say much. They walked up to me; I still didn't move. When they loomed over me expecting something when my eyes fell on the servant that had bought me. "Lord, lady. This is the newest one that arrived. The merchant said that she was easily trainable, so if you would please."

They each reached for their whips and started to beat me. When they got tired I smiled as I looked down on them. This only fueled their rage against me. But the smile I had didn't fade. The servant blanched as I not given up my antics and annoyed them more. The lady finally spoke "Li, give her back the slave owner and get my money back. This slave is useless we don't need her!" The man who brought me hauled me up and out before yelling at the old hag who had sold me to him.

He even asked for interest back as she had wasted his time. She handed over the money unwillingly as she stared daggers into me. "You stupid brat. I'll just sell you to another slave owner because you are ruining my credibility here." And that was exactly what she did. She grabbed my chains, sold me to another slave owner before gathering me up with a group of people who were older than me. We sat in the wagon quietly. I looked around to see that some of the people here were just recently captured as they had tears rolling down their eyes and anger burning in their souls.

One of the older men turned to me and noticed my young appearance. "Child what are you doing here?" I bowed respectfully my head towards the man.

"The same as you, senior. I got sold to another slave owner. My previous Master's did not like my untamed personality so they asked the slave owner for their money back, which ruined her reputation and so she got rid of me." The older man laughed as I told him of the tales of my last six months here is Zou. "So senior, where are we going?" The man's smile looked crestfallen as he sighed.

"To the East Kingdom. More specifically to the auction house there to be sold off to nobles." I nodded as I pondered about the east kingdom. I didn't have much information given that I haven't received much from the library of the Zhao's. All I knew was that they were multiple wealthy individuals in the East Kingdom. As we embarked out out of Zou I looked to see the men quietly whispering amongst themselves. I looked curiously at the them and got closer. They didn't seem to mind as I got closer. "How long until we arrive? If longer than a month in this Zou weather we will surely die." Another man responded. "The slave owner wouldn't let us die. He would lose profit. At best it should take us two weeks to cross the mountains." Mountains? I nudged the man who had just spoken.

"Senior said mountains?" He looked at me with a sigh before explaining that to the East there was a mountain range protecting the East Kingdom, giving them the strategic advantage should anyone wish to attack. That was probably one of the biggest reasons why the East was so wealthy. I talked to the others and soon we were laughing as the days passed by. The guards heard of our stories and joined in. We all got along very well and the older men called me Xiao Lin, which meant small Lin. They took care of me like a family would and we spent the journey in each others company. As we crossed the mountain range the weather started to warm up. I turned to the men around me. Soon we would be separated, so I wished them the best in my heart. As we approached the city I gaped at the luxury of everyone around me. The buildings were built with expensive materials and the streets were constantly clean with the poorer parts kept out of sight. You wouldn't see then unless you looked deep into the alleyways were various eyes blinked back at you. 

As we approached the auction house some the guards started to splash us with buckets of water. I coughed and wiped away the water from my face. "What was that for?" The older men were annoyed but none complained, it seemed like they understood what was happening.

"Xiao Lin. Do not worry, they are quickly cleaning us since we came from the mountains. Nobles don't like smelly things here." I laughed it off as I wrung the water out of my hair. I also tried to get the most water out of my clothing. I turned to one of the nicer guards that liked me. 

"Senior, what day is it today?" He chuckled before patting my head. He spoke in his sonorous voice "It's the seventh day of the month Xiao Lin." I turned to the seniors surrounding me. I tugged on the man who I had first talked to. "Senior today is my birthday. I turn 15 today." He roared with laughter which caught the attention of the others. When they questions senior and were informed of my age the patted me on the head giving me congratulations. When we got off I had a big goofy grin on my face. I was at the back of the line with my chains as we walked into the auction house. The guard who I like asked me "Why is Xiao Lin so happy?" I bounced on the balls of my feet as I looked at the guard. 

"Today is my birthday!" He laughed and patted me like the others before I was lead to a room where there were other girls like me. They all looked at me like I was strange, given that I had accidently let my magic out a bit. One of the girls came up to me "Why are your eyes green?" I felt like I had been struck by lightning. I stumbled over my words as I made my way to a dark corner. "They aren't green. There black, it's because of the light that they look green." To convince her I played with the color of my eyes as I moved my head. She nodded and accepted easily the answer. I sighed in relief as I got to a small dark corner where I could observe everything that was happening around me. Time quietly dwindled away as more and more girls disappeared from the room. Eventually I was the last given that I was a last minute sale. The guard grabbed me and pushed me towards the stage. I stumbled slightly before resuming my usual strong appearance. When I stood up on the stage the auctioneer looked at me warily as he noticed the proud and giddy appearance of mine. "Uhhh, well this is a last minute addition to the slave auction. This girl is proud and wild, very few can tame her. She will be a challenge to tame, but surely the fruits of labor are the most sweet after an adversity. Bidding can start at 2 silver." I heard a few grumbles as people started their bidding.

"10 silver!"

"20 silver!" 

"45 silver!"

No one else seemed to want to bid any higher. My gaze fell on the servant who had called out the bid. Beside him was a stunning man. He was the most ethereal man I've ever seen. And that's saying a lot. Given that I have been to many places. Instead of the people coming to pay, rather the opposite occurred as we approached the door. A scary looking guard paid the servant before grabbing my chains. We walked into the room. I saw my new Master looked equally as scary as the guard. No, that would not do justice. My Master seemed as cold as the tallest peaks of Zou combined with the etherealness of the deities. I nodded to myself as I walked around my Master as though I was the one who had bought him. I laughed to myself at my idiotic thoughts. I watched for my Master's cues but there was a lack of cues which confused me. But I noticed the light shuffling and walked back to the man who had my chains. When Master realized this he finally spoke. "Time for us to leave."

---- Rong Shen (Lin's Master) -----

The slave girl looked at me curiously as she inspected her new Master. I did not see any hint of pity or sadness at seeing me in a wheelchair, but rather was giddy with emotions of elation. I sensed her soft laughter as she shook her head in dismay. My new slave was certainly odd. I noticed how she stopped and looked around my body before looking to one of my guards before retreating back to who had the chains. This girl certainly had a profoundness to her thoughts. I noticed how she let me see through her thoughts and patiently waited. After I spoke we left rather quickly. My eyes always seemed to never understand the little giddy slave girl in front of me. The guards were vigilant as they looked around for threats. The girl kept looking around everywhere when I heard her call out "Master what's that?" The party stopped as the guards turned to face her, I felt something fly just in front of my face by mere inches. I noticed how a fruit had splattered against the wall. I was dumbfounded. It must of been luck, there was no possible way she knew that fruit was coming in my direction. 

When I looked to see what she was asking about. It was simply a fruit. "It's a fruit." She made an 'O' wither her mouth and skipped to be at my side. This girl was certainly odd to say the least.   

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