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----- Lin's POV -----
Master was not in a good mood after what had happened with the old mage. Now that I think about it, I did not even know why they had a banquet in the first place. I shrugged it off as I would ask Fan later today when we played. I currently dressed and went to the library to see Master already eating. I did not sit down but waited off to the side cautiously. Master turned to me and pointed for me to eat. I did as I was told and sat down. I gave thanks and ate quietly as I waited for master to say something. I did not ask about last night's temperament as that was not my business. But I was wary as to what I suppose to do.

----- Lin's Master POV ------

That damn brat had the nerve to follow me when I left the banquet, had she not been smart enough I surely would have slaughtered her there. After the little slave had left I went out to vent my rage on unsuspecting servants. A few died, but what were they but little pawns that could be replaced. I did not know what to do with Lin as she was smart enough to keep around, but she might become a problem later on. The little devil would clearly bring calamity to my home sooner or later. I snorted as I brewed in my thoughts. The next morning I was in a much better state of mind, but I did notice how the old man's eyes fell on Lin. It wasn't uncommon for slaves to form bonds before they are separated. This must be the case, the old man must have felt that Lin was like a granddaughter and protected her as best he could. So when he saw her living comfortably he must of felt relief and could die happy. I nodded along to this. When I lifted my eyes again I saw Lin standing warily against the wall. It seemed she was unsure as to how our dynamic now worked given the outburst and lack of instruction. I made her sit down and eat. She ate quick and quietly waiting patiently for me. "Lin, you will be spending the day with the Eldest Miss. Take care." Lin quickly stood up and left. I groaned thinking I would not be able to harm this little slave girl until she has grown up some more. This made my frustrations pointed at other slaves and servants. So when I gave a pointed look at them they all shivered.

----- Lin's POV ------

Since it was the Eldest Miss I was suppose to spend time with, I could lower my guard a little. I arrived quickly as the maid let me pass. She kept her eye on me, and it worried me how intelligent the maids were around the Eldest Miss. I guess I couldn't be as relaxed as I first believed. She was not someone I wished to make an enemy out of. Most likely what would happen would is she would stay out of my business so long as I don't attract her attention. When I arrived to the Eldest Miss' quarters I could see Fan there as well. My worries were expelled as I ran up to Fan. When he saw me, he smiled brightly and waved to me, signaling to the others that I had arrived. When I bowed slightly he snorted at me. I gave him a confused look. "Lin we are equals, there is no reason to bow at all." I looked astonished as he said that. A slave being of equal status to a young master was unheard of in this world. I smiled widely at him as we started to run around and play. I jumped into the pond and threw mud at Fan, he grabbed some dry dirt and threw it in my direction. My demeanor was childish as I kicked water at Fan. The weather was very hot and sticky so I jumped into the cold water. 

"Take this Fan!" I kicked up a lot of water, but before it could hit him a maid stood in his way. We fell silent. She looked at me with hell's fury. I immediately got out of the water and started kowtowing. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean to." The maid snorted as she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and started to drag me away. I looked with fear at Fan. Fan quickly followed me and tried to reason with the maid as she brought me to the Eldest Miss. I sat on my knees as I trembled slightly. How could I have fallen into the talons of the Eldest Miss. She stood in front of me with a cold silence enveloping us. I calmed my heart; I would not be found as a mage, my body will handle whatever punishment. I felt my will bleed through the cold silence and sat resolutely before her. She looked coldly at me "And what do you think you were doing with my little brother?"

I puffed out my chest to not appear weak. "I was playing with Fan." She did not seemed impressed with my need to show off my lack of fear. I could hear her nails tap against the expensive wood. 

"And why were you in the water?" I would answer truthfully regardless of what kind of punishment I received. 

"It was hot today, so I thought that jumping in would cool me down. It was most effective." The eldest miss seemed to be aware of where I was leading this conversation. I knew she was circling the question to try to make me plead for my life. But I would do no such thing. Just as the auctioneer had said a few months ago, I was a wild spirit that was not easily tamed with little fear from my Masters. I noticed how her fingers drummed faster. Her voice came out slightly strained now

"And why did you attack my brother?" The question had taken me aback slightly. Attack? Why would I attack my friend? Looking at the Eldest Miss I started laughing. I crumbled to the ground in a fit of laughter. This was too good, that maid was simply cunning. I wiped away the tears from my eyes as I recomposed myself.  I set myself relax so much more. I sat down cross-legged an leaned on my right leg with my arm. 

"Why would I attack Fan? The two of us are the best of friends. All I did was I was going to splash water on Fan as I said 'take this!' when a maid got in the way and got soaked. If you called that being attacked then I am sorry that I was unaware, but this did not warrant that reaction." The Eldest Miss' reaction was fuming. I had clearly not played the cards right. There was something about Fan that I didn't know, something Fan didn't know. 

"Lock her up in the shed for two weeks with no food, while I go talk to my mother." This was out of my expectations. I did not expect this to happen to at all. The two maids grabbed me as I gave the eldest miss a confused smile. I was could not feel my body entirely, as they threw me into the dark shed. As they closed the door they sneered at me. But I kept quiet as there would be no point as I would be unable to escape this fate. I sighed as I sat down in the ground. I started to feel the beginning of starvation as my stomach rumbled. Since arriving I had finally been able to put on a healthy weight, but this would truly be worse. The days slowly passed by, and as more time passed I felt like I was dying. I curled up in a ball as it started to rain. The wet environment started to affect my health as I started to cough. This would come back to bite me as I looked at the door. I knew I was almost at the end of this painful punishment. My cold had turned into  a full blown fever as I shivered and coughed violently. My magic was limited so I tried my best  to circulate out the sickness. 

Without being able to fully use my magic I still had a chance of dying. But my soul would not let me die. I would not accept if I died in this shack. I would suffer, but soon this suffering would make me stronger. I just had to take it ten seconds at a time. Before I knew it the two weeks had passed. I was on the point of passing out from sickness. I forced the door to open with my mind. Finally light shined in, I felt a relief settle in my soul as I heard voices. It was Master's voice.

"Lin come out now." I tried to move from my position, but I was far too weak to move any muscle. All my energy went to reducing my chances of dying that there was nothing left. I silently sat in the shack. I heard Fan's voice as well.

"Why is she not coming out? Is she dead?" I smirked to myself as I thought how close I am to dying. I let out a cough that signaled me being alive. But nothing more. When they entered the dark shed a wind blew in causing me to shiver further and cough more. They merely stared, no one called for the medic, no one moved as they stared at my dying form. I refused them to leave me to die. I may only be a slave, but I will not die. I will live till I'm old and see many things in this life. I forced my magic to move throughout my body reactivating my energy as I slowly crawled up to look at them. Mumbling to myself "You think you could get rid of me, please as if. I won't die. I'll live till my old bones give out." I gave the Eldest Miss a vicious look and moved forward. This chant continued as I left the shack. I made my way to where the herbs were. Just my own mental fortitude showed the sheer amount of will I had against dying.

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