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----Lin's POV ----

I looked questioningly at Master while we left. I knew I wasn't going to so easily getting off the hook from the little stunt I pulled, but I did not regret my actions. When we came to Master's compound it was much more elegant and refined. I took in everything around me from the columns to the gardens to the various hallways and doors that lines them. I took note of where we were going and how to get back. It seemed like the details went more into making this compound a labyrinth instead of a home, but who was I to judge my Master's likes. Eventually the corridor stopped twisting and turning as well arrived at a large door. It had the intricacies of a masterful craftsman who was dedicated to the piece. It depicted a large white crane resting elegantly. Then I gasped as I saw colour moved inside the wood. I heard Master chuckle behind me at my reaction.
She pushed open the door and the first thing I was greeted by was an immense library. Hundreds upon hundreds of books and scrolls laid neatly in order, catalogued to perfection and in a specific order.
My eyes flitted around looking at the vast knowledge that laid in this one room. I turned to look at Master while she led the way to a separate room. This one had a small hallway and two doors. Behind one door was a washroom, and behind the other was a good sized bedroom. I wondered who lived here as Master led us out of the room. On the other side there was a larger hallway and three doors. One was a full wardrobe, the second a bathroom an the last a very large bedroom. "This is my room child. The first one I showed you will be your room. You will be my personal servant that will help me until I say so, and in return I will teach you how to read and write beside my second son for he is the same age as you." I opened my mouth, but then quickly closed it as I felt the tears in my eyes. I started to cry in front of my Master as I kowtowed towards her.
"I am grateful. This slave is grateful." I kept weeping until the waterworks calmed down. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the tears and wiped away the snot on my clothing.
"Tomorrow child, we shall go and get you proper cloths for you." My eyes lit up as I jumped around with excitement. I gave my goodbyes and ran into my room. I walked into the bath where the water was already drawn and jumped in. I proceeded to scrub every inch of my body in the hopes of removing all of the grime. I sung a tune with no lyrics and felt the water heat up more. I curiously looked down as I sung the tune again. The water heated up once more. I checked the mark on the innermost part of my arm to see it had grown. I was elated and surprised. I knew I was a mage from an encounter with another mage that was going to be sold off. He warned me about my abundant magic and put a small seal. Saying when I reached the age of 12 I would be able to conceal my magic and practice it a bit. I am 10, so I still had two years to wait. I steeled myself at the thought of being found out, but I knew that everything would be alright. I decided that it would be better if I studied to read and write before anything else. As I got out of the bath I put back on my old robes and slept peacefully in my new bed. The next morning I woke up and could see the first rays of sunlight as I went to Master's room and waited outside the door for her to ask me to attend to her. I rocked on my feet as another maid scurried past me and into the room. I kept my mouth shut as I waited by the door. When Master came out she was surprised by my appearance. "Child what are you doing here?" Her head cocked sideways as she did not understand.

"I came to attend to you. But another maid rushed in instead so I waited for you to come out to explain this to me." Master rubbed the top of my head as she went to the library. I intertwined my hand with hers and swung our arms back and forth as we entered the library. Breakfast was soon brought for Master and I waited for her to finish her meal. She patted the seat beside her and I sat down. She gave me a bowl and chopsticks before filling my bowl to the brim with food. I smiled happily before giving thanks and scarfing down the delicious meal. I let out a sigh of relief as the amazing food went into my system. Afterwards we went to another place of the compound. The strong smell of herbs wafted through this part of the compound, so I assumed that we were here for medical purposes. I tightened my grip on Master's robe as we got closer. Inside there was an old man with white hair and a long white beard. He seemed nice, but I did not feel comfortable. He seemed occupied with a boy my age. He was a pretty boy, with big eyes and chubby cheeks. Black hair put up and clean navy blue robes. He looked happy sitting in front of the old man. I then saw how his eyes connected with my own. He seemed surprised, then elated, finally confused. He looked at Master with the same confusion. We walked in closer to the young boy and the old man. The man noticed our presence.

"Ah, milady. How may I be of help to you? I was just finishing my check up on the young master." He gave me a soft smile which made me smile in return. I rushed up to the boy and looked at him, he looked back. I scrambled up to sit beside him and held his hand. He seemed shocked a bit by my actions."I don't like doctors." I whispered to him quietly. He smiled and patted the top of my hand as the doctor did his checkup on me. He grumbled a bit but did not say much afterwards. I smiled as he waved for me to get off. I jumped off and put my hand inside of Master's. The young master seemed upset, so I went over to him and placed my hand in mine as we rushed out to play.  

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