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----- Lin's POV ----

Senior was odd, to say the least. He always had the right answer, but he would always be goofy regardless of the situation. I have never seen senior serious. If senior was goofy, I was serious almost always when we had a patient. Only on our breaks did we relax and goof off together. We were discussing a certain illness that had perplexed us as we discussed how to cure it. I laughed at senior until it came to me like lightning.

 "Senior, I've figured it out!" I rambled to him what he thought and he looked suspiciously at my idea before enhancing my thought. I hugged senior as we figured it out. We heard someone clearing their throat behind us. We separated sheepishly to see who it was. It was Fan with his mother. I regained my composure and bowed to them. "How may we be of service?"

Master looked at me with a complicated look. "Where is the Doctor?" Senior responded before I could. "Doctor Lu is currently resting. He got sick and is taking care of himself in his home outside the compound. Is something the matter?" Fan placed a hand on Master's shoulder. He gave her a weak smile. "Just here for a checkup. Would you please do an examination?" Senior bowed before giving me a stern look. I went to search for the file, while senior dealt with Fan. This was the first time that I had seen Senior serious. I let out a breath of air circulate through me as I grabbed the file and started to looked through Teacher's notes. 

Patient has a weak constitution, I have determined that it came from the poison Full Frontal Assault. A very vicious drug that the antidote I can not solve. It seems that there is nothing I can currently do, however, I had found that the best way would be for a mage to circulate their magic while performing acupuncture on the subject would allow for a way for recuperation. A much more complicated way would be to test our luck and try to make an antidote, but I do not believe that I have enough knowledge. For now, the best way to slow down the young master's death would be to strengthen the body through exercise and slowly remove the poison through medicine and acupuncture.

It has been 2 years since the treatment has started. Patient shows slow signs of improvement, but I believe that if we continue this, it will surely remove the excess. I have yet to find a way to remove the root.

It had been another 2 years. The young master had returned to normal health, with slight side effects given that the root has not been removed yet. I have not given up hope yet.

This was it. This was what I had spent the last four years. I could remove the root from Fan and finally leave. However, I would have to heal Fan right before I could leave the compound. When I returned to where senior was I passed him the file and sat down in the back writing down a prescription. When I stood up, I looked at Master. I faced her quietly as senior took care of Fan. She whispered viciously at me. "Now that you've left the safety of your rooms, I can finally have my revenge. She grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the medical room. 

She had the guards grab me and strap me to a poll. I felt my blood boil until I felt the first strike. I felt the intense pain and a scream bubbled out of my throat. She kept lashing me until I felt my throat go sore from the screaming. At first, I was hesitant to kill the Master, but no longer. She had to go. I felt my mind go blank and I no longer felt pain. When she finally stopped, the guards undid the restraints and left me to sink to my feet in the dirt.

They grabbed me by my clothing and dragged me to the library where they threw me in. I felt pain again and groaned silently cursing Master. I looked around my immediate surroundings to make sure no one was around as I circulated my magic. I clawed my way back to my bed and fell into a trance-like sleep. The next morning I found my wounds to have healed a bit, but I still felt a heavy amount of pain.

 I rolled out and placed my clothing on as I hissed in pain. Today I returned to the medical center before senior and picked out the medicine I needed to poison Master slowly. I turned it into a paste, then left for Master's room. Afterward, I diluted the paste into a liquid poison that gave off a fragrant smell before spraying the mist on the bed, her clothing, and everywhere around the room. 

I left and with my magic imbued the poison with stronger toxicity as I left. I smirked as I put the liquid back in my room and hidden it with my magic. My magic had increased over the four years. After the seal had broken on my twelve birthday I started to practice what the old mage had given me. 

The trick with the toxicity was something that I had experimented with as I learned the techniques given to me. I let out a sigh as I returned to the medical center and took care of other servants and slaves the at had been injured in order to improve my medical skills, as well as the guards. If anything, I had earned the name, the daughter of Agwu. Which was a famous deity that could heal anyone. 

I snorted at the name, I just accomplished my goals and healed. Slowly time passed and Master got more and sicker. Everyone was worried, even Teacher and senior were confused. It was something that no one could comprehend unless they were a mage. Soon six months had passed and Master was about to pass. 

She told Fan that she wanted to return me to slave owners the minute she died and to never search for me. I stayed quiet at her words, but Fan nodded agreeing. That night I snuck into Fan's room and assured that he was unconscious as I started my acupuncture. After everything I was loyal and moved my magic through Fan, taking out the tumor and destroying it with my magic, turning it to ash.

I after checking his vitals and noticing that he now had a normal constitution I sighed in relief as I went to go see Master. There she was dying as I woke her up in the night. I looked at her vulnerable form in a malicious light. Master picked this up and asked in a hesitant voice "Lin?". I gave her a bloodthirsty smile. 

"You know Master. That story I told you about Merchant Ze was a lie. You see I killed him." I saw all the rage and anger bloom, but before she could say anything I interjected. "They can't hear you, Master. I closed off all the sound. 

It's just you and me. Do you want to know how I killed him?" I looked at her with a frightful smile. "I killed the bandits and with their blood dragged Ze back to me as he tried to escape." I played with an orb of water in my hand. Her expression went pale.

"Mage?" I sniggered at how weak-minded she was. "Yes. I then castrated Ze and stuffed his manhood down his throat till he choked on the disgusting thing. He died and I turned him into a statue. Then I ate his soul to never let him reincarnate again. Afterward, I stood up his statue and cursed it. To make sure that he didn't even get a burial." She seemed afraid of me now. "Why are you telling me this?" I laughed wildly at her

"Because you're taking this to the grave. I don't want you to sleep peacefully and become a spirit. Now it's time for you to go, Master. Good night." With my magic a blocked her airways as she died. I restrained her body to make sure she didn't do anything stupid. When she stopped moving I checked her vitals and found she no longer had a heartbeat.

 I let go before I waited patiently to assure myself that she was dead. I put her eyelids down to make it seem like she died in her sleep and waited as morning came. When it came, I took down the barrier and started to weep. When the maid came in to check on Master to see me weeping at her with my worn-down look. 

She signaled that the lady of the house had passed away. Fan came in and didn't realize the changes in his body. He looked at me with pity before having guard Zhang grab me and drag me back to a slave owner. Giving him my contract. We quickly left the city and moved out to the next city. I laughed as I sat in my chains again, as I curiously wondered who I would serve next.

Not the end  

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