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---- Lin's POV -----
The young master and me rushed out to play in the garden, we collected sticks and twigs and built small structures. We got dirty by playing in the mud by the lake. We laughed and played until we got tired to lay down in the grass. The young master turned his head to me. "What's your name?" I didn't have a name. So I shrugged 

"I don't have a name. Will you give me one?" The young master seemed so elated and joyous at the opportunity. He nodded and stayed quiet as he tapped his index finger against his lips. 

"Hmmm. Oh, I know. Your name will be Lin!" I liked that name. My name is Lin. I giddily nodded and laughed. We stared up at the clouds guessing the shapes and talking about my life as a slave. He seemed so interested in how far I've traveled in my short life. It wasn't all embellishments but most of it was for the sake of making the young master happy. "Young Master what is your name?" The boy laughed and stood up. I looked at him as he extended his hand down for me. 

"My name is Zhao Fan, but you can call me Fan." I nodded as I reached out to grab his hand.

"Alright Fan. We shall be the best of friends." Fan laughed as we swore on that fateful day. Just as we had finished swearing to be friends a maid saw us and rushed Fan to be cleaned saying that the first wife would properly scold me. I nodded with a smile on my face as I made my way to my own chambers where I washed my rags and put them to dry while I took a bath. After having finished my clothing had dried and I sat down in the library looking at all the books and scrolls that laid about. Soon afterwards Master came in to look at me. She beckoned me over as we exited the compound and left to buy me clothing. As we rode in the carriage I swung my legs back and forth. Just as the carriage slowed, master turned to me.

 "What would you like to wear?" I copied the thinking motions of Fan as I tapped my index finger against my lips.

"I want to wear something that lets me move easy so I can play with Fan. I'd also like if it was in a light green color too." Master smiled as we hopped out and entered the store for fabrics. Master picked out the fabrics while I held them. Then she moved to where the hairpins were and picked out a few white ones, but I was not sure which as I did not pay close attention. Soon we arrived quickly at the compound while a maid took my measurements and started working in my robes. I watched patiently as she did the work. Soon minutes turned to hours and I was becoming bored. I moved from my spot to search for master. When I arrived at the large door I heard muffled voices. I knocked and waited outside until then thought it was best that I entered. From inside a man exited, he looked like a guard to me so I gave him a respectable bow and then walked in. She looked worried as I came in, but she soon masked it with a calm look. I shrugged it off as I got closer.

 "Master I want to learn how to read." She gave a laugh before she grabbed a comb and started to slowly brush my hair. Another man walked in and gave me a strained smile. "You must be my newest pupil. What is your name?" I looked excitedly at the teacher.

"My name is Lin. Fan gave me my name!" The teacher seemed surprised but moved on as we started the lesson. Time passed by quickly as I took in all the information given to me, slowly I could start to read simple texts and I was ecstatic. I quickly started to enjoy learning about various things, and I had a lifetime worth of information to learn here. If I had any questions I would ask Master or the teacher. I was absorbed in a new book I was reading when I heard the door open. I lifted my eyes to see a woman who was working on my robes. My eyes fell on my finished robes a I rushed to bow to the maid giving many thanks before running to get changed into the new outfit. 

---- Lin's Master's POV ----

I watched the young slave girl read, she seemed so innocent and giddy about everything. Even after having lived in such awful conditions. However my eyes turned sharp as I remembered the information given to me by the guard. A mage had killed my eldest son Ze, and apparently this girl was the only one that escaped with her life. My anger roiled as I thought about how this girl had lived instead of my sweet child Ze'er. I would surely ask her if she knew Ze and if she knew who had killed him. If it was a mage I would be unable to exact my revenge. I would force this girl to suffer if I couldn't exact revenge for my son. My little Fan'er did like this girl, so I would punish her later in life so that she hides her pain better so that Fan can't find out. When I die, I'll give her slave contract to the slave owner and never let Fan see that disgusting slave again.

----- Lin's POV ----

I looked at the robe I was wearing and smiled proudly as I exited the room back to the library. Seeing my Master in deep thought I waited, but seeing the flash of cold killing intent I was aware that my master did not have the best of thoughts towards me. She had something planned and I would be the victim. I gave a smirk to myself as I realized the amount of killing intent I had myself, but I kept quiet. I would not be broken down and fear another person. When I looked back up at Master she looked so tenderly at me I almost forgot about she was planning for me. "Does Master like the robes?" She nodded at me and signalled for me to come over. I stood in front of her as she fixed the last hair pin in my hair. She looked at me with a profound sadness, I looked at her curiously at her. She wiped away a few tears and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Does Lin remember when she lived in the desert?" I nodded, but I didn't approve of where this line of questioning went. "Did you ever meet a man named Zhao Ze?" I frowned. Master noticed my frown. 

"Master I know of a man Zhao Ze. He was a bad man. Everyone knew of Zhao Ze as Merchant Ze. He was an evil man who did not know boundries. Everyone in the village disliked Merchant Ze that they wanted him dead. He was a con man and a rapist." Master didn't seem to believe me, I had connected that Merchant Ze was Master's son, and mother's always saw their children in the best light, and they could never do any wrong. "You could ask anyone in the village about Merchant Ze and almost all would say they were glad he was dead and cursed his soul to never be reincarnated. Even I did not like him. He scared me. You see Merchant Ze liked fine things. So when he came he slept with most of the girls in the village. When they became pregnant the parents would ask Merchant Ze to take responsibility. But her never did discrediting the women. Now most wouldn't care about village girls, especially the slave owner. But when Merchant Ze started to sleep with the owners desert flowers and impreganated them, the slave owner would ask for compensation to only receive none. Soon more guards were tasked were protecting the girls, but Merchant Ze got in. He raped the girl that slept beside me as I watched horrified as he later slit her throat. Owner was furious and decided to leave to sell us off to able to save his profit. What owner didn't expect was that Merchant Ze was leaving the same day and joined us on our way." 

Master seemed conflicted as I told my tale. I had not lied to her since I had no reason. But in her love she could not believe that her son did all these terrible things and probably thought it was the girls fault. This annoyed me but I stayed quiet until she motioned for me to continue.

"Merchant Ze was not liked by anyone on the trip and we passed the time in silence. But we ran into bandits. Merchant Ze killed the owner and then the bandits killed the guards. He told the bandits that he wanted the girls to fuck and they could have the riches. I was annoyed at his attitude but I valued my life as I got off the carriage. But then I saw something that made me truly mad. Merchant Ze had forcefully taken a girl in the trail. She had tears streaming down her eyes as she killed herself, but Merchant Ze continued defiling the girl until he was satisfied." I took a deep breath as I calmed the anger in my heart. It would not do me any good to get angry.

"I was so angry I went to go attack him, maybe one of the bandits realized this and knocked me out. When I came to again everything was gone. The carriage overturned, the bandits dead, as I searched the bodies I couldn't find Merchant Ze. I had assumed he fled with his life as I walked back to the town in the hopes of freeing myself and living a quiet life. But I was caught by another slave owner as he headed on the same road as me. I had my chains replaced and they continued at breakneck speed past the calamity that had occurred and brought me to where the rest of the slaves were before they head out to the auction house, and that was when you bought me."  

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