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--- Lin's POV ----

When I awoke once more I was still in pain. But I no longer had it in me to scream. My throat hurt as I whimpered. The doctor must have hurt me as he fed me more pain relievers and redid my bandages. Da wasn't here as I looked about. I croaked out "Water," the man heard me as he fetched me a glass. I gulped it down quickly feeling the cooling feeling relieve my throat.

"Where is Da?" The doctor seemed unsure as to how to answer. I looked beggingly at him as he continued to bandage me. Da and the doctor refused to tell me how I was injured, but I had a sense it was not good. There were no mirrors here and nothing reflective. I couldn't peek under the bandages because they were expertly wrapped.

"He's getting you new clothing. All your clothing was lost in the fire." I shuddered unconsciously. I still felt my magic and would play with it when the doctor was not here. After he had finished re-bandaging me he left quietly. I could move, but very little because the injury was on my leg. Thankfully it did not ruin my motor skill as I was able to walk. 

I stood up carefully against the wall and practised walking. The action was tiresome as I had beads of sweat coat my forehead. I gritted my teeth as I wobbled back to the bed and plopped down. As I stared up at the ceiling, the door opened. I sat up to come face to face with Da. "Da." He grunted in acknowledgement as he threw some clothing on top of my bed. 

A variety of male clothing with colours that ranged from black to grey. I did not mind as I picked up a grey robe with white cranes embroidered on the body. There were also robes that had tigers on them, rocs, doves, snakes, wolves and foxes. Some had nothing on them at all. They were all my size. So to say I had a large wardrobe was an understatement.

"Thank you, Da." He nodded as he sat down. I practised walking again. This time I could walk a bit easier as I was able to get from one side of the room to the other with help from the wall. It would still take time before I was able to reach my previous state.

It made me upset that I was so weak. I was never weak. This weakness ground against my nerves and pride as I threw my anger out on an unsuspecting brush. "Lin. Calm yourself." I slammed my hand against the wall. "I hate it Da! I hate being this weak." He let the silence fall between us as I rallied my emotions together in me.

"This will be much more difficult than I thought it would be." I heard his grumbling as I made my way back to the bed. " I want to leave this place Da." He nodded as he seemed to be calculating the expenditures that it would take to move me. "En. I agree. I will take you to a residence in the countryside. Until you are once more your old self you will stay there." I gaped at him.

I shrugged as a servant picked up all the robes Da got me except for one that had rocs on it. When Da left the doctor came back in. "Let's show you how to change your bandages." I nodded. I was curious to see what had made me so weak. When the bandages were peeled off and I looked at the disfigured skin, I felt great shame rise in me. 

The once unblemished white skin was ruined by a large ugly scar that ran from the top of my hip to the middle of my outer thigh. I felt shame well up in me. This is what caused me so much agony, so much anger. I ground my teeth as I angrily watched the doctor show me how to bandage the wound. 

Similarly, on my collarbone, the ugly scarring ran across all of my collarbone like a viper. The skin was still sensitive as he told me one of the servants had to be able to bind it. I wouldn't be able to do it on my own. I could because of my magic, but I kept quiet as I paid attention in the mirror as to how he bound my wound.

A female servant came in and helped me into the clothing. She said nothing as her hands got me dressed, but I saw clearly the pity and slight disgust her eyes held for me as she saw my bandages. I felt my anger rise, but all I did was glare at the servant. Once she was about to finish I pushed her away. "Leave." She looked at me with contempt as she fled.

I pulled on the other sleeve and left. I was dressed scantily as a man with the robe hugging my shoulders loosely, it made me attractive as I left the doctor's residence as I walked the streets. Women looked at me from afar as if I was meat. I didn't mind as my anger subsided when I arrived at where Da was.

He looked at me up and down and shrugged as he entered the carriage. I followed as I entered without issue. I cursed under my breath as I felt the pain from my leg and collarbone act up. I took out a jade bottle the doctor gave me in case I felt pain. I swallowed one of the pills and sat down awkwardly in the carriage. 

I felt drowsy as I fell asleep. I was shaken by Da as I opened my eyes again. He hopped off the carriage as he waited for me. I felt shame as I had to lean on him to be able to get off. Around us, a group of servants came up and greeted Da. 

He said nothing as he helped me into the residence. The servants looked curiously at our interactions. As we approached his room he let go of me as I leaned against the pillar for support. "I hope you calm your anger during the time you spend here Lin," I said nothing as I lowered my head.

He helped me in and sat me down on the bed. A servant entered the room carrying the trunk that held my clothing. The trunk was put at the foot of the bed. I said nothing as I avoided Da's eyes the entire time. "Lin. I will be back in a year's time. I hope that you are able to calm your anger by the time I am back." 

A year. He was leaving me alone. I nodded as he left to explain to the servants what was to happen with me. The servant that had brought in my trunk was still here. I looked at him openly with anger boiling. He seemed to catch on as he scampered out of the room. I groaned as I fell asleep. 

Month 1   

I continued to practise walking up and down the hallways while I felt my wounds burn. I felt like a spectacle that the servants watched as I fell. No one came to help me up as I felt their smiles. I slammed my hand against the floor.  My anger reached new heights as I boiled in my rage. "LEAVE!" Their feet scampered off as I clawed at the floor in anger.

Month 2 

It wasn't any better. I was able to walk without issue. The servants avoided me at every turn. I didn't care. I sat indifferently as I watched the clouds. I still felt shame as I stood up slowly. I still could not move with the same speed as I use to as I stretched my muscles. I started light as I practised my martial arts until my injuries flared up again. I felt my anger and shame boil as I let out a scream. 

This had been an occurrence that the servants were aware of, so they no longer checked in on me. I took some more medication to ease my suffering. The servants did as I requested, and I would, in turn, thank them. They understood my anger as we lived separate lives in the same building.


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