Title: Sherlock Holmes
Genre: Mystery
Years on Air: 1954-1955 (39 episodes)
Main Concept: A television adaption based on the characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, with mostly original stories. It was the first American television adaption of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Network: First-run syndication
Starring: Ronald Howard as Sherlock Holmes
Howard Marion-Crawford as Dr. John Watson
Archie Duncan as Inspector Lestrade
If you are a Sherlock Holmes fan, I would definitely recommend looking into this show. Some of the episodes are loosely based on the stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but the show mostly had original material.
I personally think Ronald Howard was a great Sherlock Holmes, and he would probably be my second-favorite Holmes actor after Jeremy Brett. Yes, he was cute, but his portrayal of the character was very calm and laid-back, not too intense, and I liked that about him.
Just Another TV Rec
RandomTalks about some TV shows-popular ones and maybe more underrated ones-that I have watched and think should be made known.