Title: A Young Doctor's Notebook
Genre: British Dark Comedy
Years On Air: 2012-2013 (2 series)
Network: BBC
Main Concept: Follows the life of Dr. Vladimir Bomgard, and how he went from a promising young medical student to a morphine addict.
The series was based on the short story collection A Young Doctor's Notebook by Mikhail Bulgakov.
Starring: Jon Hamm as Older Dr. Vladimir Bomgard
Daniel Radcliffe as Younger Dr. Vladimir Bomgard
A Young Doctor's Notebook goes back and forth between the life of Dr. Bomgard as a younger man and an older man. The show takes place at the fictional Muryevo Hospital, and the first series took place during the Russian Revolution while the second series took place a year later during the Russian Civil War.
A significant part of the plot of the doctor's growing addiction to morphine. The young doctor began taking morphine to deal with pain, and quickly became addicted to it, which he is seen dealing with as an older man.
I haven't read A Young Doctor's Notebook by Mikhail Bulgakov, so I don't know how well the show stuck to those stories.
Just Another TV Rec
RastgeleTalks about some TV shows-popular ones and maybe more underrated ones-that I have watched and think should be made known.