Chapter Four

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     Luna pelted through the trees, oblivious to the low branches that scratched her flank as she darted through the forests, her paws light on the forest floor.  She was aware of Silver's pawsteps behind hers, and the sound of his breaths coming in quick pants as he chased after her. 

    The forest blurred together in a splatter of vibrant green hues as Luna raced, faster and faster, letting the scents and her pawsteps guide her home. Cresting the hill, she broke free through patches of nettle and lengthed her strides, her eyes sliding past the scattered pine trees that peppered the hillside. The trees cast soft shadows on the ground, their comfort beckoning to her. Instinctively, she dug in her paws and ran towards the line of trees, feeling her pelt and paws melt into the familiar grey shadows. Hold on, she thought desperately, wishing her mother could hear her. We're coming!

    It wasn't far now. The line of two-leg houses was only a few strides away. The buildings and thunderpath scent usually caused her to hesitate, but this time, she plunged forward. 

    "Luna! Watch out!" Silver's yowl reached her just in time as she skidded to a halt, eyes wide as a monster roared by. 

     "Thanks," she murmured as Silver caught up to her, his flanks heaving as he struggled to catch the slender she-cat. Marble was further behind; her pawsteps were slow and she stumbled through the patches of nettle. She lashed her tail once, gesturing for them to go forward. Silver nodded once, determination seeping into his eyes before darting forward, Luna close behind him. 

     They wounded through the city streets, and Luna raced ahead, letting her paws carry her through the familiar alleys and two-leg fences. 

     Finally, what felt like a moon later to Luna, she caught a glimpse of their den. The calico she-cat swerved into the building, her pawsteps scrabbling on the hard floor. 

     Through the shaft of sunlight that fell in through the two-leg glass, she saw Dawn curled up on her nest, a tail over her muzzle. Luna sagged with relief when she saw the faint rise and fall of her flank, but the relief was short-lived. Caramel and Snow were crowded beside Dawn, their eyes desperate and hopeless as they padded from one end of the den to another to fetch Dawn cold water.

    Her mother's eyes were half closed, and she only pricked her ears when she'd heard Luna walk in. Heat radiated from her pelt as Luna stepped forward and tentatively pushed the moss closer to Dawn.

    "Luna," Her mother rasped. Her eyes were glazed with pain as she struggled to sit up. 

    "You'll be okay," Luna said, pressing against her flank. "Rest."

      But Dawn only brushed her aside. A sudden emotion seemed to flash through her eyes, and they cleared enough for her to raise her head. "Luna. I'm dying. But before StarClan takes me, I need to tell you. Everything."

     StarClan? Fever must be clouding her brain. Luna had never heard the word before. Luna shook her head, glancing at Snow and Caramel. "No, you're not going to die," she insisted frantically. "There must be something we can do."

     But Caramel shook her head sadly. "Luna. Dawn is weak. She hasn't been well for moons, and I think-"

    "No!" Luna yowled. She licked her mother's ears. "We have to get help!"

    "There is no time. You know I've been getting weak. This is the only way." Dawn's eyes were blazing, and her voice was suddenly strong as she staggered and leapt to her paws, her flanks heaving with the effort. Her eyes burned with fever. Luna's paws were heavy like  stone as the hopelessness crashed over her. She pressed her eyes shut, panic and pain tugging at her heart as she leaned against her mother.

     "I need to tell you of my life in my Clans. Because you, my dear kit, are the only hope of my revenge on the Clans." At this, a strong fierce emotion seeped into Dawn's eyes. Her claws dug into the ground, and her eyes were wild as she swayed on her paws. Luna quickly pressed beside her, steadying her. 

     "But I must tell you what the clans did to me." Dawn rasped, her eyes falling closed. "I must tell you what your father did," She spat the word out like it was crow-food, and she sank to the ground. 

     Luna almost stumbled back in surprise. Dawn was dying and she wanted to talk about Luna's father

     "I must tell you of my life first. Before I had you, I was a leader and a warrior."

      Dawn's eyes flew open. Her gaze was suddenly intense as she stared at Luna, her eyes filled with a torrent of love, determination, sadness and an emotion Luna could not recognize. 

      "My name was Dawnstar, leader of SkyClan."

*A/N Hehe I tried to make a mood board for Luna; it's at the top of this chapter... Dunno how well that turned out, to be honest. I think I'll make one for Dawn, Marble, Silver and some other special cats later :) *

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