Chapter Twenty

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"There's no way that's true. If you think that, you've got bees in your brain!"

Briarstar only blinked at Luna calmly, before turning her steady gaze to study Silver, whose grey eyes were narrowed in confusion. 

He blinked at Luna, who flicked her tail, her ears twitching as she gazed at the ShadowClan leader. There was no way they could possibly save the clans... Her only goal was to destroy the clans and take revenge for Dawn. Briarstar must've gotten her mixed up with some other cat. 

"It can't be a coincedence that you stumble across the clans now. Especially only a sun-up after the prophecy has been issued. When you hear the words of the prophecy, you'll understand. And it hardly matters that you two aren't clanborn, we weren't expecting-"


Briarstar silenced Luna with a quick wave of her tail. Her gaze was soft but firm as she purred softly to comfort Luna, who had cast Silver a look of desperation. 

"I understand that you both must be tired and confused, but please. Try to keep an open mind," she meowed finally. Outside, the leaves in front of her den rustled, announcing the arrival of several more cats. 

"Come in, Juniperfrost and Featherwing."

Briarstar's voice was tinged with relief, and she swung her head to the two cats that padded in through the opening of the den. 

A pure white she-cat with a single grey paw and soft grey eyes blinked curiously at Luna and Silver, before her eyes suddenly widened. Luna tilted her head, noticing the look, but the she-cat quickly hid it with a look of polite curiosity. 

The other cat was black, with white paws and bright green eyes. He dipped his head to Briarstar, before turning his cool, unreadable gaze to look at the pair. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but it was the she-cat named Featherwing who spoke first, her meow quiet but firm. 

"Luna. Silver. We've been expecting you."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter today; got caught up on some work. *Sigh.* Homework sucks.

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