Chapter Twenty Three

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Luna woke up to the feeling of sunlight warming her pelt, and she stretched lazily, her tail twitching as she got to her paws.

It was a long, long time since she'd gotten such a good rest, and she purred with pleasure. The other warriors, who had shared offered to share their den with Luna and Silver, were long gone. By the stale scent and neat, cold nests, Luna guessed they were either on early hunting patrols or border patrols. Even Silver's nest was empty, leaving the calico she-cat alone in the den.

Luna felt a fleeting flash of guilt; everyone was off hunting for the clan. And what had she been doing? Sleeping. She shook her fur irritably, before giving her fur a quick lick and heading outside.

The ShadowClan camp was empty, with a few warriors hanging outside. A small, green-eyed golden cat with a white tail dipped her head to Luna in greeting. Luna licked her chest fur, embarressed that she couldn't remember the she-cat's name.

I've got to learn the names of my new clanmates, she told herself. But almost as fast as the thought had come, she was hit by a new one. Clanmates that I would have to... kill."

She shivered, flinching. But Briarstar's meow quickly jolted her from her thoughts. The red she-cat had been organizing patrols, but she quickly waved Luna over with her tail as the patroling cats disappeared into the shadows of the forest.

"Sorry I didn't help my patrols," Luna aplogized as soon as she reached the ShadowClan leader. But Briarstar quickly flicked her tail, her tone dismissive.

"It's alright. You needed the rest. Silver woke up early and decided to join the dawn patrol, so he could learn the territory. But you can join the next one."

Luna dipped her head. "Of couse. I can help hunt too, if you'd like."

Best to earn their trust. And respect. She told herself, though she had to fight the tug of shame at her heart.

"That'll be appreciated. Thanks, Luna," the red Shadowclan leader meowed. Her gaze lingered on Luna's for a moment, before she turned away.

"Have you thought about the prophecy yet?"

Luna felt a stab of fear in her belly, and she quickly turned her head.

"I...I don't know what to think." She meowed finally, hesitant. Briarstar only nodded, blinking sympathetically.

"Of course. I understand it's a lot to take in. But, as you know, a lot of...strange things have been happening recently."

At this, Briarstar lowered her voice, casting an anxious gaze around.

Luna saw something lingering in the normally calm leader's gaze. Fear.

"Last moon, some of my warriors-"

But whatever Briarstar was going to say was cut off by a high-pitched, hysterical wail that sounded from the nursery. It came from a golden cat with luminous bright eyes. But she was trembling. Luna and Briarstar hurried over, with a few anxious warriors close behind them. Peering through the opening of the nursery, Luna could make out wide-eyed kits and another Queen staring at a bundle of grey-white fur in shock and disbelief.

Seeing Briarstar, the golden cat leaning over the white bundle of fur threw her head back, trembling. But her next words were what chilled Luna to the bone.

"Streamkit! My precious kit! She's been murdered!"


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