Chapter Eight

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     Silver flicked his tail, his eyes darting from his parents to Luna as he waited for his answer. Luna could only gaze at him, her eyes wide. In the corner, Marble shushed her kits and swept them up next to her with her white tail.

     "But...Are you sure? This isn't your battle to fight," Luna meowed softly, her eyes meeting his. His eyes were the colour of dove feathers, a soft grey hue reminded her of moonlight. As she stood in front of him, she lost her train of thought as she paused, marvelling at the way the sunlight seemed to make his eyes dance like the silver stars she'd loved to watch when she was a kit. Her heart warmed at the thought of having Silver's company, but guilt prickled on her pelt when she caught a glimpse of Snow and Caramel's devastated expression. She forced her heart to harden. The others need him more than I do, she told herself sternly.

     "You can't leave your parents! And what about Marble and her kits? Oh, Silver, thank you for offering, but there's no way-"

     "I've talked to them." Silver's meow was firm when he looked at her, though he shifted on his paws."I want to come. I can help you! And it's not safe to be journeying through unknown territory. I can help protect you!"

     Luna stifled a purr, her eyes shining with gratitude when she looked at him. "I don't need protecting, mouse-brain." 

     "Then I'll come to keep you company. And it can't hurt to have an extra paw around. I know you're strong, Luna, but you won't know what you're walking into."

      The last sentence was whispered, and Luna dipped her head. 

      "Luna, it's alright." Caramel's soft meow forced her to look up. The kind she-cat's blue eyes were sad, though they were tinged with hope. Marble and Snow nodded agreement beside her, their eyes glittering as they watched the exchange.

     "We agreed for SIlver to go."Caramel's eyes blinked at Silver before she bounded over and pressed her muzzle against his son's. "We love both of you. And you two need to stay together, to protect each other."

      Luna felt a fierce wave of gratitude, and she looked at Caramel, blinking to keep her emotions in check. She couldn't find the right words, so she simply pressed her muzzle against Caramel's.

     "We will hunt for Marble and the kits while you're gone," Snow said. He flexed his claws, amusement dancing in his gaze. "We might be older than you, but we're not elders yet!"

     Silver let out a mrrow of affection and bounded to his father. Snow dipped his head, whispering something to Silver Luna couldn't make out. Silver's eyes shone, and his pawsteps seemed to be filled with confidence as he padded back. 

       "Best to get going now," Snow meowed gruffly. He turned his head, and Luna pretended not to see the sadness that he was trying to hide in his gaze. 

      "Thank you," Luna whispered to  Silver as he walked to stand beside her. He smiled, shifting on his paws. 

      "We're best friends, Luna," Silver replied. "Where you go, I go."

      Luna purred as she took her first steps to her legacy, with Silver right beside her.

      She looked from the young tom to the clear-blue sky and closed her eyes, willingly Dawn to hear her next words.

      This is for you, mother. 

A/N: Wow! Just noticed "Lost Stars" got 200 reads! Thank you so much, everyone :) Hehe, I'm pretty new to writing warriors fanfic, so I'm super grateful that you guys think it's somewhat decent! (I didn't even expect to get any readers ahhh!)

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