Chapter Sixteen

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Luna quivered in excitement as she lifted her head to gaze at the sky; which was turning from soft indigo to a vibrant azure blue. 

The last rays of sunlight were already disappearing, engulfed by the two-leg dens in the distance. 

She glanced quickly at Silver, who was blinking at her, seemingly equal parts sad and weary. 

"I'm sorry, Silver," Luna meowed quietly, dipping her head. "I didn't want you to be in danger because of me." She looked down at her paws, shifting as she gave her chest an embarrassed lick.

Silver flicked his tail, keeping a steady gaze on the calico she-cat. "Luna," he said quietly. "You know I accepted, I expected that I would be in danger when decided to leave and come with you. I don't mind being in danger if it means we're together. I think...I think that's what being friends mean."

Luna felt her heart swell with gratitude, and she purred softly. "Thanks, Silver. And I really am sorry."

Silver nodded, before giving Luna a quick nod. He padded to join Luna at the crest of the hill, and the two watched the sky fade to indigo, and then a dark blue. 

"Do you think Echo was right?" Luna asked, trembling as she gazed at the Starpelt above. Already, the first few speckles of stars were already appearing; like pinpricks of scattered light against a velvet, intangible darkness. 

Silver said nothing, only laid his tail on her shoulder, his presence comforting Luna as much as the stars did above.

And then, she saw it. 

It began as a single streak of light; a thousand hues of yellow and orange on the dark canvas of the sky. Luna watched, amazed and entranced as the sky was soon filled with a million streaks of light; all seeming to fall together towards a place far away.

"It's almost as if the stars are falling," she murmmered, closing her eyes and she felt a soft breeze ruffle her fur. 

She blinked sadly at the streaks of light. "The death of a star is so sad, Silver. Yet how is it so beautiful at once?"

Silver gently batted Luna's head. "You're thinking too much, furball," he meowed affectionately. But Luna saw the reflection of the falling stars in his gaze, and she smiled at the kit-like wonder etched on his features. 

Luna nudged him gently. "C' mon. I think it's time we follow the star path." She meowed, gazing at the direction the shooting stars were pointing. 

A vast open moor before them, and two sunrises of walking. 

But the memory of her mother's desperation turned Luna's paws to stone, and she walked forward, her head held high. Silver quickly followed her, bound to catch up with her quick strides. 

"Don't worry, Luna." He meowed, his voice comforting like always. 

Soon, the two cats' silhouettes were swallowed by the darkness, until only the sky with the streaks of seemingly never-ending light remained. 

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