Chapter Fifteen

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Luna dipped her head to Tree, and the tom blinked at her with his wise, steady gaze. 

"Thank you for letting me see my mother again, but I have to get back to Silver," the calico cat meowed as the pair padded out of the two leg building. The first rays of sunlight were already turning the clouds a soft hue of pink and gold; and Luna yawned, not realizing how tired she was.

Tree said nothing, only turning his head slightly to glance at her. His amber eyes shone with something akin to sadness, and he lowered his head, his thoughts seeming to a world away. 

"I think I know the cat your mother was talking about. A kittypet arrived just a moon ago, and if anyone knows who the silver path means, it will be her." 

Luna nodded. "Thank you, Tree," she meowed earnestly. She turned to meet the tom's gaze. "But why are you helping me?"

"You remind me of a cat I once knew," he meowed simply, before Branch bounded over to join them. He gave Luna a polite nod, and turned to his father, who dipped his head. Around them, curious cats turned their heads, their wary gaze following the she-cat.

"Luna needs to go now. She has seen what she needed to see. But first, could you see if you could get Echo to come here, please? I think she needs to meet Luna." Tree's meow was soft as he waved a tail towards Branch.

"Of course. I think she's in her den," Branch said, bounding away. 

Soon, he came back with a pure white she-cat. A grey collar glinted at her throat, and her blue eyes shone with curiosity as she stared at Luna. 

"Hello. You are the cat who seeks revenge?" Her meow was soft, and her eyes drifted before Branch gently prodded her. 

"I'm looking for the Silver path," Luna meowed urgently, casting a glance outside. The sun was already starting to rise, and she knew Silver would wake soon. 

"The silver path. Such a beautiful moment. The stars fall, and it's almost as if the sky itself is falling. The two legs call it the shooting star..." Echo blinked, before shaking her head. "Tomorrow, I believe."

"Where is it? Where can I see it?" Luna felt her pelt prickle with anticipation. She was so close.

"In the sky, of course," the white she-cat purred. 

"Thank you, Echo," Branch quickly meowed. Luna echoed his thanks and dipped her head to the she-cat, who was already starting to wander away. 

"Echo is wise, even though sometimes she comes across as...strange," Tree meowed, flicking his tail. "Anyways, I imagine it would be best if you waited until tonight. The hill where your den is will let you see the star path quite clearly."

Luna nodded. "I should get back now." 

Branch's brown eyes shone as he pressed his muzzle against her cheek. "It was nice meeting you," he purred. 

"Thank you. For everything."

And with that, Luna bounded away, until she was no more than a streak of white against the rising sun. 

Tree watched the young cat's silhouette disappear, feeling an unfamiliar pang in his heart. 

"May StarClan light your path," he meowed softly, too quietly for anyone to hear but him.

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