Chapter Twenty One

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"Featherwing. Briarstar. You're sure?" It was the black tom who spoke, his eyes flitting from the white cat to the leader. Luna felt her pelt prickle when he swung his cool gaze to stare at her. There was something in his eyes... Something that made the calico cat stiffen, yanking her eyes away from the stare of the tom. 

"Yes, Juniperfrost. It is them. I can guarantee it. These are the cats I saw in my vision."

"What do you mean?" Luna meowed, hating the tremble in her voice. 

"And how do you know our names?" Silver added. His voice was steady, but one look in her friend's grey eyes suggested a tumult of emotions. Luna felt a pang of regret for dragging her friend into the mess.

Whatever happens, I'm going to make sure Silver gets out of this.

Featherwing, the white she-cat, exchanged a quick glance with Briarstar, before dipping her head to Silver and Luna. 

"Come with me," she murmured. "I'll explain everything about the prophecy and why you're here."

Briarstar gave a small nod, before whisking her tail at Juniperfrost, whose eyes had become thoughtful.

"Go tell the other clan leaders. Take a few cats with you. Don't provoke them, just tell them that they have arrived." she meowed as she rose to her paws. "I'll address our clan later."

With a silent nod, Juniperfrost slunk back into the shadows, his pawsteps unnervingly quiet.

Luna didn't realize her pelt had been prickling with unease until the dark tom had left. 

"Come with me," Featherwing meowed, her blue eyes thoughtful.

"Not until you tell us what's happening," Luna hissed, unsheathing her claws as she tried to sort out everything that the white cat had said. It made no sense... How could she have seen them in a vision?

"All will be explained," Featherwing retorted calmly, her eyes blinking. 

Silver nudged her gently, and with a huff, Luna ambled behind Featherwing, who had left the leader's den after a polite nod to Briarstar. Outside, the sunlight streamed through the trees, lighting the forest up and chasing the shadows away. The air was cool, and more cats had joined their clanmates underneath shafts of sunlight scattered throughout the camp. Luna spotted the kit that had approached them fearlessly peeking out from a clump of ivy, but her small grey head quickly disappeared when Luna glanced in the direction. 

Featherwing, who had been leading them, finally stopped in a small stone den covered and shaded by ivy. It smelled strongly of different herbs, and Luna wrinkled her nose. Dried plants of different colours and smells were found in every nook and cranny of the strange stone den. She saw Silver's eyes widen as he gazed at the plants and something akin to wonder seemed etched on his features. 

"This is the medicine den, but that's not important," Featherwing meowed, flicking her tail. "What's important is that you're here. StarClan has sent me a prophecy, and they gave me a vision. I saw you two, a calico she-cat and a grey tom walking towards us. Were you hoping to find us?"

Luna felt her heart pound in her chest. Did Featherwing know about Dawn and her revenge? And what was StarClan?

But it was Silver who answered, his voice nonchalant and steady. "Tell us what the prophecy is, first."

Featherwing's eyes darkened at their hesitancy to answer, but she pricked her ears. "Very well," she agreed finally. 

The white cat closed her eyes before speaking in a soft mummer. 

"Of the four there are two, one with eyes the lightest of hues. He is one who will walk the stars, his powers hiding the deepest of scars. 

And she, a cat who gazes back; shrouded in the darkness of her past. They are the light that will save the clans, for they are how ShadowClan once began."


A/N: Phew I really suck at writing prophecies... And voila! Here's a long chapter to make up for the super short one last time :)

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