Chapter Twenty Two

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Luna felt her heart drop inside her chest as she stared at Featherwing in shock. Her mind stumbled over the words, trying to remember all of them. Her thoughts churning, she turned away, trying to compose her features before she could speak. 

But Silver's meow of surprise quickly jarred her back to reality, and she blinked as the silver cat shot her a bewildered gaze. 

Either Featherwing's gone mad, or-

Luna shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. There's no 'or'. Featherwing's gone mad, she finally decided firmly. 

But the white she-cat only stared at them, before whisking her tail, her ears pricked. 

"We can talk later," she said quickly, casting a meaningful look at Luna. "Right now, Briarstar is about to call a clan meeting."

Featherwing shook her fur, padding out of the herb-filled den, followed quickly by a confused Silver and a bewildered Luna. 

The calico she-cat caught the look of desperation Silver shot her, and quickly bounded to him 

"I think I know what to do," she murmured. "Just follow my lead when the time comes."

Silver gave a quick nod, though his gaze quickly flittered between the clan cats who looked at them with open curiosity. They were crowded around a jutting rock, with Briarstar perched on top. The russet coloured she-cat seemed to be waiting for them, and she nodded at Silver and Luna before speaking.

"Cats of ShadowClan. As you know, Featherwing has recently received a vision; a vision telling us to look for two chosen cats."

The clan hardly stirred, their gazes shifting uneasily from Featherwing to Luna and Silver. The black cat named Juniperclaw blinked calmly, his gaze narrowed as he met Luna's gaze. 

She noticed that the black tom's unsheathed claws were digging into the soil, shredding the soft green grass. 

I wonder what's gotten his fur in a twist, Luna wondered, quickly licking her chest fur before glancing away, fixing her attention on Brairstar.

"Well. We believe we've found the two cats. Or rather, they've found us. Featherwing and I think that Luna and Silver are the cats with the powers. The cats that will save us. " At this, Briarstar's gaze turned to the grey tom and the calico cat, who sat below the rock.

"Luna. Silver. Shadowclan offers you a place in our clan. Because you are the cats of Starclan, your true home is with us. Do you wish to stay?"

"I accept!"

Luna meow was firm, and fear rose in her chest as the words tumbled out of her mouth, but she raised her chin, eyes burning. 

This is how I will avenge Dawn, she told herself as she tried to push away the doubt in her mind. An unease rose in her belly. If I gain their trust, then...

"Then I accept too," Silver meowed quickly. He dipped his head to Briarstar in respect, his gaze sliding quickly to Luna's. He nodded, seeming to signal his agreement with her plan. Though, Luna couldn't help but notice a thin trace of sadness in his grey eyes.

A gasp of shock rose from the clan, and soft murmurs rose from the group. Underneath the sun-high light, Briarstar glowed, her pelt gleaming as she flicked her tail. The clan seemed to hesitate in shock before a small meow sounded from a small grey kit huddled next to her mother. With a start of surprise, Luna realized it was Streamkit, the fearless she-cat who had approached them earlier.

"Luna! Silver!" Her small meow seemed to jerk the shocked clan into motion. And all at once, the cats raised their muzzles to the rock, their eyes shining as they beheld Luna and Silver. Suddenly, the whole forest seems to echo with the chants of the clan, their voices weaving with the gentle sounds of rustling bushes and leaves. 

"Luna! Silver!"

*Oof, sry for the long chapter. I got carried away :)

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