Chapter 156

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Aecha's P.O.V.
"So what do you want to do pumpkin?" I asked Aki who was sitting on my thighs in my bed.

"I want to eat pancakes! Watch a movie.. And see you dance?" She answered cheerfully.

I chuckled. "We'll see if we have everything for pancakes, but the rest is possible."

Hobi rolled over. "I wanted to sleep more.."

Aki laughed. "Please! Pretty pretty please!"

He jump-hugged her. "I can't say no to you!" He gave me a kiss. "I'll see if we have everything."

And with that, we were in the dance room after breakfast. "Which song do we pick?"

Hobi scrolled through my playlist. "Hmm.. This one?"

I grinned. "Sounds good, I'm sure she'll like it."

I hadn't danced for fun in so long. I missed it so much and seeing Aki's fascination, it wasn't the last dance we'd do today.

Hoseok's P.O.V.
Her smile was at its brightest. "I think we tired her out." My Angel pointed at Aki who had fallen asleep on the floor.

I laughed. "We did.. If you want to keep dancing we should get her to bed. The music will disturb her less."

She agreed brushing the child's hair out of her face. "That surely would help her sleep better.. I'll take care of it."

I denied gently taking her place and picking the girl up. "You always do it, let me do it for once."

She kissed Aki's forehead, then my cheek. "Then I'll set everything up for recording. Sounds good?"

I grinned. "Sounds great, I'll be back in a minute."

I settled Aki down in bed and took a moment to softly caress her hair. A tiny smile appeared on her face, just like Ash would when I did it to her... Hobi what are you thinking, get back in that room.

"Too cute to leave her alone huh?" Ash chuckled as I came back.

I massaged my nape lightly. "Yeah, I get why you don't leave straight away." I glanced at the set-up. "Hope on the street or you'll put it on your Instagram?"

She shrugged in a grin. "Why not both?"

That girl never took a weekend calmly. No matter how hard she worked during the week, she wanted to dance here.. With me. "If you want it! What do we start with?"

She scrolled through her phone hesitating on song choice. "Well.. Aki's asleep so we can do more.. I don't want to say explicit, but you get what I mean."

I crouched down next to her and pecked the top of her head. "I do get it. Let's see.." I scrolled down. "How about this one?"

She nodded excited. "Sure! Let's do this!"

"Fine with the flowy shirt?" I asked slowly lifting it. "It'll rise up at your every move."

"A hundred percent sure." She assured me while wrapping her arms around my neck. "You know I don't mind it anymore."

I kissed her as softly as I could. "And you also know I prefer asking than seeing you having a panic attack over it."

She sighed. "That only happened once Hobi. That first practice with Taemin got me on edge too so I just panicked."

I hugged her. "And I'm not arguing about that Angel. When you're distracted when you dance, it shows."

She smiled. "And I will not be distracted so let's do this shall we?"

"Bring it on."

Yup. My lady in heels. That was rare. A light, yet technical song that kept us grooving.

I have to say I felt cocky. "May I see you dance on your own?"

A giggle. "Competitive are we? Fine, I'll do the honours." She set her music up as I had the best seat to admire the spectacle.

Her body moved as smoothly as water flowing down a river. She screamed skills and years of work. Now it was my turn to show that work off. "May I second you?"

She kindly sat down like nothing happened. "Please do. I want to see this.'

So I did.

Aecha's P.O.V.
"You hid this one from me." I smiled.

He laughed. "Had to surprise you. I don't do that often."

Walked over to him and kissed him, tongues intertwining without it being sexual or deep, his hand resting on my nape not applying any pressure what's so ever. "You always surprise me Sunshine.. Think ARMY will like it?"

He kept his arm around my waist giving it a light squeeze. "I'm sure they will-"
A knock on the door. "I think Joke's here to pick up his little lady. I'll get the door."

So I went to get my tiny little pumpkin. "Aki honey, your daddy is here.."

She woke up rubbing her eyes. "But I wanna stay with you and Hobi.."

I picked her up. "Maybe another time, but you have school tomorrow and I'm pretty sure your parents miss you."

She sighed so adorably. "Okay.."

I went downstairs to her father and my boyfriend. "Here's the sleepy head."

Jookhyun laughed. "The sleepy head that doesn't want to leave." He took her from my arms. "Next thing daddy has to do is to find you a sitter for a couple of hours for upcoming weeks."

Hobi frowned. "Both working late again?"

Joke sighed. "We are and she finishes at 3pm. She can stay until four, but Mako and I will finish a lot later than that. Worth it to have the Christmas week off thought."

I was gonna talk, but Hobi spoke first. "We can do it most of December. I'm only composing and she'll only have us to be with or revise with the others. We could pick her up and keep her until you're done."

He said it? He proposed himself? That was surprising. "We'd be happy to do it." I added.

Joke smiled. "Thanks, but after that I should try not to rely on you guys too much. I'll talk to you soon. See you at the AAA's." He left as Aki was back in dreamland.

I pecked Hobi's cheek. "Thanks for offering.."

He grinned. "She's family. I love having her around."

He did.. His smile would be so wide when he played with her. I'm glad they were getting along.

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