Chapter 161

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Hoseok's P.O.V.
I entered PD-nim's office with an idea in mind. "Sir I-"

He stopped me. "Just a second, I'm calling someone." He put it on speaker. Why would he do that?

I was shocked by the voice coming out of the phone. "Hello sir? Do you need me to come in?"

Ash had been resting home for the past few days. What would PD-nim want from her? "Not at all Aecha, I wanted to congratulate you on the show you managed to pull with the boys."

I imagined her smile as she spoke. "Thank you sir! The guys are amazing. Make sure they know too."

He nodded glancing at me. "Of course they'll know. I wanted to tell you something about the hours you pulled the past few months."

Now she seemed hesitant. "Yes?"

"What would you say if I told you I'd give you back that time this month? I'll need you here a couple of day, but other than that the rest of December is yours." He proposed.

I couldn't believe my ears. "You're kidding?"

"Hobi?" Ash's voice said on the end of the line.

Our boss laughed. "I'm not kidding. Your trial is coming up, she worked extra time, you guys too and now you're writing again. I feel it's a good time to take it easy."

"Thank you so much sir, I'll see you on Friday." Ash tried not sounding too excited.

He hung up with her and turned to me. "So what did you want to talk about?"

I took a seat. "I know we've never done this before with other choreographers, but I think she may need a manager."

He grew curious. "What makes you say that?"

Oh goodness what have I done. She been working for other companies and I'm about to say it. "Well.. She can't say no to any work you throw her way so I thought-"

He gave me a pat on the wrist. "Calm down Hoseok I know she's been working with others. We talked about the possibility months ago, but she didn't tell me she found so much work. It's only being a back-up dancer. She's not making dances for the competition."

He knew? "So you plan on treating her as an artist?"

"I didn't say that. I'm not so sure on it yet. I do respect her job, but if she goes somewhere else, I need a guarantee that she won't leave our company." He explained.

"Her contract is still good for four years. That's your guarantee." I answered. She was allowed to do this. It wasn't Big Hit who paid for it.

"If I counted her as an artist thought, they'd pay her more and we'd get a part of that." He added.

Money. That was all he cared about. "I think it's not the point. The point is that with a manager, her time would be used more efficiently. During moments when she can't work here, we can find her work some place else."

He sighed. "I wish, but she doesn't have the reputation for that and she's not Korean. It'll be hard to find anyone who'd pick her."

"She's been here for years and you still diminish her.. You're the one who signed her." I said hidding my clenched fists.

"I'll think about it Hoseok. But know that if I learn that she asked you to say that, I could tear her contract just as easily as I signed it." He said going back to his things.

I stormed out to the gym. How dare he? I was proposing, but Yoongi and Namjoon were the ones who thought about it in the first place.

"Hyung? I thought you were going home." Tae said as he saw me hit the mattress covered wall.

"Got some steam to let go off before. Ash doesn't need this." I puffed out with my punch.

He leaned by the wall. "I didn't see her this week. She's good?"

"She is.. She plays with our dogs, watches movies, browses, reads.. All calm and cozy at home." I admitted.

"PD-nim didn't like our idea hyung did he?" He asked.

"He would've if I wasn't her boyfriend, if we weren't her friends and if she was Korean." I hit the mattress harder.

Tae couldn't believe it either. "But it'd be good for the company and her! Win, win."

I stopped. "But you know how he is with her.. It's either he gets more than she does or they both get nothing." I whipped off my sweat with my shirt. "Maybe he'll change his mind. Until then, I'll get back home."

Aecha's P.O.V.
Something shook my shoulder. I brushed it off, I was so sleepy. "Ae-in.. Mickey.. I don't want to play right now."

"Just wanted to greet you and know what you wanted to eat Angel." His calm voice woke me.

I softly smiled. "Oh, hey Sunshine.."

He kissed my lips. "Seems you were having a good sleep so I'll leave you to it again.. How about I make you your favorite spicy ramyeon with some kimchi?"

That sounded so good, but I wasn't sure if my stomach would like it. It had been playing a number on me today. "Not spicy please."

He chuckled. "Right, on an empty stomach it's not the best. Extra kimchi then?"

That seemed tasty. "Please?"

He kissed my hair. "Ramyeon extra kimchi on the way."

I sat up. "You don't have to do this. You worked while I did nothing today."

He denied bringing the instant cups with a bowl of kimchi. "Too late!"

I'd usually love the smell of kimchi. Weirdly enough, today it smelled a lot more fermented than it should be. Even so, I ate more than I would usually have with one meal. I was awfully hungry. "That's tasty thank you Sunshine."

"It's all that matters." He said turning the TV on. Right, it was all that mattered.

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