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my fingers were curled around the warm mug of hot chocolate, with my legs bent holding a book in my lap. I sat on the small seating area in my room; a little cushioned ledge. My music was soft and mellow, easing me into a relaxin sensation, making me eyes fall asleep.

"Yeah, I'm definitely taking a nap right now," I mumble to myself, after gulping down the hot liquid and setting it on my book stand and sinking into my mattress covering myself with the sheets. I continued to listen to music, which faded out into my ringtone.

"Hello?" I mumble.

"Jay, it's Bri. Hi!" She was quiet, yet chirpy.

"Hey Bri. What's up? How was English today?" I sat up.

"Amazingly perfect," she sighed. Ashton. "He asked me to come over tonight!" She squealed into the phone.

"Are you two going out or?"

"I dont know. He said to drop by over nine, but he told me to plan on spending the night," she raised her voice in pitch, sounding like a question.

"You want me to cover for you, don't you?" I sigh, playing with a frail piece of string, hanging from the bed throw.

"Yes please?"

I sighed again. "What do you want me to say?"

"If my mom asks, tell her I slept at your place?"

"You do realise that your mom would call my mom and double check, right?"

"Oh shoot. Well, i dont know. Your mom sleeps early, right? Just say I came in as she was going to bed, and I left early because of class. There we go." She cheered up within the past five seconds.

"Okay Bri," I said yawning.

"Thanks so much Jay. I owe you."

"Damn right, if you want me to cover for you if you're spending a freaking night at a guys hou-" hold on a second.


"Mhm?" She questioned.

"You're spending the night?" I yelled quietly.


"Bri, you do know what this means right?"

"Oh my god, Jay. No way; those aren't Ashton's intentions. I know it can't be," she sounded firm about it. I definitely wasn't going to ruin her night though, for I could be wrong.

"If you believe so. But just be careful," I said shutting my eyes, clenching my hands into fists. "If you're uncomfortable or anything call me, please. Make me that promise?" I was hoping for a good answer from her.

"Yes of course Jay. I promise I'll call you if anything happens." I smile in relief.

"Good. If you can't get to me, call Cal. He'll beat up Ashton's ass," we chuckle.

"Will do. Talk to you later," I felt her smile from across the telephone line.

"Talk later. Bye girl," I sighed.

"Bye bye!" She sent a smooch noise from across the phone, making me chuckle as I hung up. I dropped the upper half of my body on the bed, onto the plush pillows taking a deep breath in and out.

I was completely happy for Bri that she found someone who she really likes, and who possible likes her back too. I just didn't want her to get hurt.

Honestly, I don't think Bri knows the real Ashton.

But I know that that is who I want to keep her away from, and he better be hiding tonight.

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