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After the mini-fight was over, the boys of ATEEZ began chatting about their next comeback and their concepts, suddenly two men started running towards them.

"Oh great, saseangs." San grumbled.

"Uhmmm... I don't think they are saseangs." Hongjoong replies, as he watched the boys come closer.

One boy had beautiful ebony locks, with fair skin and huge eyes. His facial structure looked like a model's, which made him look extremely attractive. The other boy had pinkish locks, holding the other boy's hand.

"PLEASE HELP US!" One of them cried.

"We can't find our friends!" The other shouted.

"It's okay, just breathe." Seonghwa spoke calmly, which then the boys began to relax. "Okay, now can you tell us what happened?"
The visual asked again, which the the two nodded.

"We were walking home from a restaurant, just the eight of us. We suddenly saw a little girl crying. Our friends decided to see what was wrong, but then they thought that she was lost." The first boy stopped speaking, looking as if he was going to cry again. The other boy then continued the story. "There was an address attached to her coat. So, we thought we could stay at the spot while the rest go to drop her off. We then heard a scream, and we immediately began running to the source. But we only saw a small house! They all were gone!" He spoke, his voice raising with every sentence.

"Do you guys still have the address?" Hongjoong asked.

"Yeah, Chanyeol has it."

"Baekhyun babe, are you sure they can help us?" The said male whispered.

"Of course. Don't worry, we'll be okay." The older smiles at his boyfriend, pecking his lips softly.

The boys of ATEEZ waited awkwardly as they witness their lovey dovey scene. Chanyeol then slips the paper with the address inside the younger male's hand.

"Here it is!"

"824 Dream Crescent? Isn't that the place that girl was killed?" Jongho questioned, looking at the rest of his members.

"Jongho. Please don't start with your ghost stories." Yeosang huffs.

"I'm not!" The youngest argues.

"First your homophobic ass decides to criticize us, and now you're back at it with trying to scare us! What's wrong with you?!" Wooyoung shouted, causing the maknae to growl at him.

"Let's not argue about this, these boys clearly need our help!" Seonghwa shouts, walking along with the leader and the two other boys.


"So, this is the place you ended up at?" Hongjoong asks once they had arrived to their destination.

"Yeah. We tried to open the door and it wouldn't budge."Baekhyun replies, staring at the house in front of them.

The house was rather small, but very creepy indeed. The windows were smashed, almost like someone else had broken into the property. The white paint from the exterior peeled due to the yearly weather conditions, with the roof missing a couple of shingles. The stairway to the entrance was beyond smashed which made it unrecognizable, with the screen door hanging by a loose screw.

Yunho had noticed a certain detail that everyone seemed to be blind to. At the side of the door, there was a small rope. The dancer believed that it was perhaps a doorbell, so he decided to take his chance and pull on it.

Nothing happened.

"Yunho we shouldn't do that." San warned.

"Well obviously this must be a doorbell, maybe it's broken." The older male replies, pulling the string of rope again.

Suddenly, a trap door opens. The Ateez members felt themselves drop down, screaming at the top of their lungs as they slid down the chute.


They managed to land safely onto a somewhat soft surface. It was pretty disturbing to hear snapping and squelching, which they found really odd.

"Wow! Bubble wrapping! They must've been prepared for visitors." Wooyoung shouted, completely oblivious.

"Why would they have a fucking trap door?!" Yeosang complained.

"Hyungs? I don't think this is bubble wrap."  Jongho intervenes while shining his mini flashlight on the ground, which made him scream in fright.

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