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The boys huffed and puffed as they stabbed their shovels deep into the rotten soil, trying to race the clock.

Junyoung was dragging the rotten body of Mina, cringing in disgust of the stench the body carried.

"Guys! I think it's deep enough! Junyoung bring the body over here!" Mark shouts.

The youngest nods and drags the corpse over to the already dug up hole. He places the body straight inside, causing it to land with a thud. Haechan immediately began to grab the dug up dirt and pushed it on top, with Jaemin assisting him by covering up the body.

As soon as they finished, Junyoung felt himself become dizzy.

"Guys.... I don't feel good about this...." Junyoung moaned.

"Junyoung... JUNYOUNG!" The boys screamed as the watched the boy close his eyes and faint.

"Guys we need to hurry! The boys are counting on us!" Mark quickly scoops up the unconscious boy before running back to the entrance of the house.



"No....Seonghwa.....SEONGHWA!" Hongjoong screams, dropping to his knees and sobbing his poor heart out.


"Seonghwa...." Wooyoung gasps.

"This can't be happening... it can't be!" Hongjoong sniffles.

"Sorry for your loss boys, but I don't think there is anything we can d-" Johnny begins.

Just then, Seonghwa bolts up and starts coughing up water. The blonde boy heaved in and out, clearing his lungs from the huge dosage of water he swallowed.

"No way... no one has ever survived from trying to drown a demon...." Lucas stood there, bewildered.

"Holy shit you're alive..." Hongjoong gasped, holding Seonghwa in his arms.

"Thank you babe." Seonghwa mutters, cuddling closer to the younger male.

Babe. He hadn't heard that name in so long, and boy did that make his heart beat loudly.

Hongjoong leans and kisses Seonghwa softly, who returns the kiss immediately.

"Can I just be the first to say, ew?" San asked jokingly, breaking the tension.

The couple smiled at each other after pulling away.

"Uhm Guys! Sorry to interrupt your moment probs again but we've got to get out of here!" Taeyong calls out.

"Right! Let's go!" Hongjoong agreed, standing up along with Seonghwa before all of them head for the exit.

Mina floated from a distance and thought of an evil idea. Her hands suddenly lit up on fire, the embers flickering strong and bright.

"Looks like you boys are toast." She snickers as he touched the wall in her left, watching the wood burn with delight.

She tried to teleport away from the flames.

But she felt a burning sensation inside.

"What's happening?!" Mina panicked.

As the flames got bigger, Mina felt her body become emerged inside the fire. She yelled in pain as she feels her skin burn.

"NO! I WON'T GO DOWN LIKE THIS!" Mina roared.

The female began to transform. Her form grew bigger, and horns began to grow from her head along with a pointed tail. She felt herself become even stronger than she was before, and she loved it.

"Oh this is gonna be fun!" Mina cackled, voice deep and demonic as she stomps through the halls.



A young man sits on the sofa in their dorm, tears slowly falling down his cheeks as he looks at some pictures.

The picture consisted of two boys, him and his lover. They're both sitting on the sand, lips on each other's while the sunset was in the background. Another one was the two boys smiling and laughing while slow dancing at a party, with one of their members photobombing the picture.

"J-Jaehyun.... please come home. Please bring the boys back..." The boy cried.

"Hyung....! HYUNG OPEN THE DOOR!" Two voices screamed.

"Oh my.... CHENLE?! JISUNG?!" The man shouts, a rush of emotions running through him as he rushed to open the door.

"DOYOUNG HYUNG!" Jisung cries out.

"We need your help! Call the police and gather the others!" Chenle cries out, still holding on to Jisung.

"What's going on?! Where are the others?!" Doyoung panicked.

Kun runs down the stairs as soon as he hears the shouting.

"CHENLE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG?!" Kun screams, grabbing the youngest Chinese boy from Jisung. "And where's the others!?" The oldest Chinese male shouts.

"They'll soon be dead if we don't hurry up!" Jisung shouts, grabbing the phone and dialling.


"I'm taking Chenle to the hospital!" Kun declares.

"Jisung...." Chenle whimpers.

"I'll be back Lele." The younger kisses his forehead, before turning back to the others who were already ready.

"I hope you guys aren't afraid of the supernatural." Jisung spoke the others, who look at him incredulously.

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