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(A/N: For the therapy session, they're not all together when explaining the story! They are different scenes with the same therapist, if that makes sense....)

"It's going to be fine Yunho, they're just going to ask us questions and such. It's kind of like a job interview but the information you give is what they use to help you with your problems." Mingi calmly explains to the shaking boy as they sat in the waiting room.

"I'm just so scared. I usually don't pour out information to strangers...." Yunho pouts.

"I'll be doing this also, and I'm nervous too. But don't worry Yunho, we're going to be okay." Mingi reassures the older boy.

"You think so?" The older boy asks.

"Baby, I know so." Mingi smiles encouragingly, patting Yunho's thigh and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you Mingi." The older cuddles up to the other boy, who chuckles.

"It's no issue baby. I want you to be comfortable and at ease." Mingi replies as he then pecks Yunho's soft lips, waiting for the therapist.


-Therapy Time-

"So you're Kim Hongjoong?" A fair skinned woman with a white coat questions, pen and notebook out while staring at the mullet boy. 

"Y-Yeah...." The young boy nods.

"Okay, so what brings you here today?" The woman asked.

"Well, I've been having behavioural issues for a couple of days now, and it resulted in someone getting injured." Hongjoong scratches the back of his head, feeling ashamed.

"Can you tell me how it all started?" The woman asked in a calm manner.

"Well, it all started when the eight of us were hanging out at a café. After spending about an hour and a half, we went to a park." Hongjoong began speaking, with the therapist taking some notes.

"We then were approached by Chanyeol and Baekhyun, well when they were ghosts. They claimed that their friends are missing." Seonghwa explained, sighing softly as the anxiety began.

"We ended up at an old abandoned house, 824 Dream Crescent. I rang the doorbell twice, which ended with us being shot down a chute where we landed in a pile of dead bodies." Yunho shivers, his therapist continued to scribble in his notepad.


"We then split into two groups to check out the house, well I thought we were looking for an exit. But while we were exploring, we bumped into the rest of the exo ghosts." Yeosang explained.


"It's so creepy because staring into their eyes felt so relaxing, but I knew there was nothing safe about it. All I remembered was feeling numb all over, almost like I was empty inside." San breathes out.


"We saw a female ghost which put one of us under a deep spell, and then suddenly we were all immersed in the other ghost's spell. After being saved from death and waking up, we met the missing boys of NCT." Mingi continues, breathing softly.


"After we reunited with our band members and the rest of NCT, we ended up bumping into Mina, the most powerful ghost in that house. All of a sudden, all of us except Hongjoong ended up being dragged away by demons." Wooyoung began to get emotional.

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