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Hongjoong slammed his fists on the brick wall, screaming for his members. All the others boys could do, was to look down in sadness. Mina had vanished, no where to be seen, but you could tell she was satisfied with what she'd done as her laughter echoed through the house.

"GODAMMIT!" The rapper cried loudly, his hands covering his tearstained face.

"I'm sorry for your members." Lucas spoke softly, which made something in Hongjoong snap.

The mullet boy turned to face the rest of the boys, now free from the chains. He growled and slapped the older boy across the face.

"You all knew about this, huh?" Hongjoong asked, in a soft voice.

"Hongjoo-" Renjun tried to explain.

"DID YOU FUCKING KNOW ABOUT THIS OR WHAT?!" The leader screamed, silencing the Chinese boy.

"We did... but we didn't actually think this would happen." Jungwoo sighed.

"I. DON'T. CARE." Hongjoong grits out through his teeth.

"Joongie, they knew what I was capable of. They could've warned you, but they didn't. Now how does that make you feel, hm?" Mina's voice whispered in Hongjoong's mind.

"What a bunch of traitors...." Hongjoong sobbed out.

"Asshole we aren't traitors!" Jeno shouted. "We saves you guys from being killed!"

"We should've left you to die. How would that sound?" Haechan sassed.

"ENOUGH!" Mark shouts, which in turn everyone went silent.

"Seriously, we shouldn't be fighting over this! We are all scared, and we are all wanting to leave this place! Hongjoong, slapping Lucas was completely unnecessary! And Haechan, you shouldn't be talking about being left to die because you did almost die at one point!" Mark yelled, his face almost turning red.

"Oh god I'm so sorry Lucas." Hongjoong apologizes, earning a grunt from the Chinese boy. "How do I get my group back?" He turns towards EXO.

"There are some ways." Suho answered. "One, you find Mina's body and give her a proper burial. Two, you look at her diary and find any clues. There is a third option but you don't want to go there."

"Tell me." Hongjoong demands.

"You have to kill your members." The leader sighed, causing gasps to be heard from the others.

Hongjoong felt conflicted. How will he be able to find Mina's body? Especially in a giant house like this? And he couldn't bare to lay a finger on his own members, no matter what. The leader rubbed his forehead, thinking hard on what the right choice would be.

"I can't kill them.... I can't....." Hongjoong choked on a sob before crying. He curled into a tiny ball and covered his face with his hands.

Jungwoo silently went over to Hongjoong and swooped down to give the mullet boy a hug. The leader kindly returned the gesture, weeping into the older male's shoulder.

"I'm scared. What if they die? I would never forgive myself..." Hongjoong said, his words being muffled by Jungwoo's sweatshirt.

"They're not going to die. Well, not yet...." The haunting voice of Mina whispered, which made Hongjoong's stomach churn.

The leader of Ateez scowled before peeking into his pocket, to his relief the journal was still there. He has not actually finished reading it yet, nor did he even want to. He sighed and thought about what he could do to save his members and get everyone out of the house.

"Hey Mina!" Hongjoong calls on the evil ghost. "You think you may have won, but honey you have no idea of what I have up my sleeves." He shouted to the air.

All he heard was a snicker, which flared his temper. The mullet boy growled, unable to tolerate the young female ghost's antics.

"Don't let her get to you, Hongjoong." Jungwoo's calm voice echoed.

"I'll get them back. I can't leave them here." The younger replies. "She's not going to win this time."

Hongjoong slips the journal back into his pocket before walking off. He turns back to the rest of the boys, right behind him. They looked at him with mixed emotions: sadness, guilt, regret.

"Look Joong. I know this doesn't excuse us but please let us help you, even if we end up dying in the end." Suho sighed, Kyungsoo hugging him lightly and giving the younger a small smile. 

"Thank you." Hongjoong teared up.

"Let's kick her ass!" Renjun shouts, causing the rest of the 00 liners to laugh.

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