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It all happened so fast.

Mark still couldn't believe it.

The young boy still couldn't process the fact that him and Junyoung were no longer in the grasp of Seonghwa or trapped against the wall, but free on the ground with the book still with them. Mark looks to see Hongjoong growling at the older demon, who just glared.

"Seonghwa. Snap out of it. Mina's souls are controlling you." The mullet boy hissed, his dark eyes glare through Seonghwa.

Junyoung's eyes go back to his regular dark pupils, waking up from the trance he was under. Mark quickly got up from the floor and ran over to the younger, helping him to stand on his feet.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked gently.

"I'm alright. But Hyung needs help." Junyoung spoke, pointing at the half demon who was facing against Seonghwa.

Just then, Yixing comes in running.

"Guys..... boys... kidnapped...." The oldest Chinese boy manages to breathe out. Seonghwa turns to face Yixing, smiling evilly.

"Oh, you mean these boys?" Seonghwa cackled, pointing at some place.

Mark and Junyoung then turn to see the rest of the possessed members, each pair with each group tied and gagged. The two could only watch as they struggled in the rope bounds. Mina then appears once again, a smile on her face that Hongjoong desperately wanted to claw out.

"Oh good! You guys found them! But I have one question?" The female ghost began.

"What?" Mingi intervenes.

"WHY AREN'T THEY DEAD?!" Mina roared, clearly angry with how the boys handled the job.

"Because they will never die, because we're doing you a favour." Mark picks up the body bag, showing it to the spirit.

While Mina was distracted, Junyoung quietly grabbed Hongjoong's pocket knife and slid over to the tied up victims, starting with the 00 liners. The young boy carefully sliced into the straw of the rope, making sure that he didn't stab anyone in the process. Once they were freed, they ripped off the duct tape from their mouths and go over to hug Junyoung.

"Thanks man." Renjun smiles.

"No problem, but we need to hurry. Help me with the others." The young boy replies, passing each boy a sharp item in his pocket.

"Where did you get these from?" Jaemin asks.

Before Junyoung could answer, he is suddenly tackled down by a screeching Jongho. The demon tried to claw at the younger boy's face, his nails barely grazing Junyoung's soft skin.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM BASTARD!" Jeno screamed as he charged towards the two, ripping the demon away from the young boy.

Renjun took the knife and managed to cut the rest of the boys out of the ropes. The boys dispose of their gag and sigh in relief.

"Thank god." Ten began. " I thought I was gonna lose my voice with all the screaming I did." The Thai male chuckled.

"Well I'm glad you had that gag." Taeyong scoffs.

"Oh shut up! I wouldn't be talking much, pussy!" The younger shouts back.

"Oi, takes one to know one, pussy!" The leader of NCT scowled.

"Hey guys instead of fighting, how about we help the others out!" Jaehyun broke up the fight, which then the boys turned to see the chaos that had ensued.

Hongjoong was still fighting with Seonghwa, dodging everyone of the older demon's hits. Jeno was struggling to hold Jongho down, while Renjun and Jaemin were trying to protect an injured Junyoung from the rest of the demons.

Mark held the body in his arms, staring at Mina with a cold gaze.

"Mina. We all want to get out of here. Were trying to give you what you want, why are suddenly trying to kill us?" The Canadian boy asked, tearing up.

Mina get a huge pang in her heart.

But quickly realized how she could kill the young boy. Struggling not to snicker, she suddenly decided to act sad and depressed.

"I'm just so hurt Mark, what they did was awful. Revenge was the only thing I've been taught in my life.... I'm pretty sure you could understand me... being all alone.... right?" Mina stares into Mark's eyes, smiling softly.

Mark felt his head spin, his arms becoming weak which made him drop the body bag. The Canadian boy's eyes went from brown to the same colourful orbs, a relaxed smile was on his face.

"Holy shit.... not again." Lucas spoke under his breath, before turning back again to a snarling Mingi.

"Mark! Don't let her get to you! Remember what happened last time?" Jungwoo tried to run up to Mark, but trips on San's foot.

"HYUNGS! HELP!" Chenle and Jisung were huddled, fear in their eyes as more demons came out of the shadows to surround the boys.

"Shit not again..." Haechan gasped at the state of his friend.

"MARK WAKE UP!" Jaehyun shouts along with Johnny, trying to kick away the demonized  Yunho.

"Shhhhhh.... it's okay Mark.... you'll be just fine. Your friends will be free, I promise.... just trust me.." Mina's voice was so sweet that the other boys almost gave in as well.

"......Trust........you......" Mark made out through those two words, still under the trance.

"Oh that's great Markie! Now just stay still!"
Mina giggles, waving her hands around as if she was casting a spell.

Suddenly a huge blade is in her hands, ready to strike Mark.

"MARK GET OUT OF THERE!" Taeyong shouts, but knew deep down that Mark was not going to make it.

With the evil smile plastered on her face while facing the boy's she slams the knife straight towards the hypnotized Mark. She smirked at the other boy's, who were crying as they witnessed the execution.

But that smile soon disappeared at the sight in front of her.

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