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"Hongjoong..." Seonghwa whispered, his face very close to the other boy's.

The two older men pull each other into a hug, which had Seonghwa sobbing in relief that his lover was okay.

"I-I thought you died! I thought I was never going to see you again!" The oldest cried, holding onto Hongjoong tighter.

"Baby..." Hongjoong whispered. "I'm not going anywhere." The other leans into the older, pressing his lips softly against his.

Seonghwa closed his eyes and let Hongjoong crawl on top of him, The younger giving him slow and deep kisses as they held each other. The older felt himself under Hongjoong's love spell, finding himself craving more of the other's touch.

"Hongjoong.... please..." Seonghwa moans out as he felt soft lips kissing at his neck.

"Sir this is a McDonald's drive thru." Hongjoong whispers, making both boys laugh.

"But Seriously, we shouldn't have sex in the hospital." Hongjoong chuckles, making Seonghwa pout but agree.

"We've done it in other places. Remember when Wooyoung and Yeosang has just renovated their room and we both got drunk and....?" Seonghwa recalled, making Hongjoong bust out a laugh.

"I remember that! Yeosang's expression was priceless!" Hongjoong laughed.

"He just stared at us like we were idiots. Wooyoung was the one who panicked and cried." Seonghwa reminded, making both males cackle.

"YOU SICK FUCKS THAT BLANKET WAS VERSACE!" Wooyoung shouts from a distance, earning an angry shush from the nurses.

"Anyways, I should go back to my room." Seonghwa was about to leave, but is dragged back down and immersed in a cuddle.

"Please stay." The younger whispered, his arms wrapped around his lover's waist firmly.

"Okay, I will." Seonghwa sighs, patting them both cuddle in peace.


"Hey San, can we talk?" Jongho asks the older as he chats with Wooyoung and Yeosang .

"Yeah! I'll be right back guys!" San calls out to the others who just smile in response.

The two boys walked away from the other boys and into the Men's restroom.

"So what's the s-" San asked but is cut off by a pair of soft lips against his.

Jongho pulls away quickly, blushing softly.

"Hyung, I like you." Jongho confesses.

San was a while mix of emotions: happy, angry, and confused. He thought Jongho was straight, that he wasn't willing to date a guy, and now he just gets kisses by the one of the biggest homophobic boys he has met.

"So now you decide you like boys again?" San whispered.

"Hyung I-"

"No! I've heard the way you've talked about gay relationships like it's a disease, and that was after you had a relationship with Junyoung!" San almost shouts, anger swirling inside him.

"I was hurt! You wouldn't have understood the pain of being dumped cause all of your dates were your inflicted one night stands!" Jongho fires back, but instantly regrets it.

"Whoah! Whoah! Whoah! You didn't have to go there man!" The boys heard Mingi shout, which was accompanied by harsh hushes. Both boys ignore it, focused on each other.

"It doesn't matter Jongho! That doesn't give you any right to become a homophobic asshole! Don't you know how hurt I was when you were complaining about Yeosang and Wooyoung that day at the café?!" The older asked, tears threaten to fall.

"San, I-"

"I felt like a piece of shit honestly, thinking I wouldn't have a chance with you... and now you come in and claim you're not a homophobic anymore after you reconciled with Junyoung." San was crying now, feeling his emotions burst as he fell to his knees. "Am I just a rebound Jongho, am I?!" The older boy shouts.

The rest of the boys barge in from their hiding place, running towards San and burying him into hugs.

"Jongho. I think it's best if you leave. Now." Wooyoung spoke out to the younger boy.

"But I-"

"You heard him Jongho." It was now San who chokes out through tears.

Jongho sighed before walking away, knowing that he really messed up this time. He ends up on the chairs of the hospital wait room, tears falling down his face. After some thinking he checks out and leaves the hospital, not aware that certain people were following him.

"Jongho!" The person called out, making Jongho burst into a sprint.

"Jongho Wait!"

"Jongho stop!"

"Why should I?!" Jongho turns to only see Mark and Donghyuck, holding hands and looking at the younger with worry.

"Listen. We heard what happened with you and San. We know you made a mistake, but you can still work things out with San." Mark spoke.

"Who would want to fix problems with a supposed homophobe?" Jongho laughs bitterly, wiping his tears as he stood on the street.

"Jongho come back. You shouldn't be on the street." Mark gently offered his hand, but was rejected.

"Even if I talked to San, my own members would still have doubts about me. Nothing would be the same!" Jongho shouts.

"Who the fuck cares?! If you and San are happy with each other, it's shouldn't matter what the other boys say or think! This is YOUR relationship, not theirs!" Donghyuck rants, making Jongho stop to look at the slightly older boy.

The younger boy then runs back to Haechan and sobs in his arms. The other vocalist sighed and patted Jongho on the back.

"I know you feel very horrible about this but you need to talk to him. Things will not get better if you start avoiding each other." The other boy sighs, not letting go of the weeping  Jongho.

"I don't want anyone to see me like this, and I'll wait until he calms down." The younger decides, smiling at himself before running back inside the hospital.

"That's the spirit!" Mark chuckles, earning a smack from Donghyuck.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" The older boy shouts jokingly to his boyfriend.

"They remind us of how we were before." The younger sighed as he held Mark's hand.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad." Mark scoffed.

"It was. Admit it." Haechan rolls his eyes at the Canadian boy's stupidness.

The two boys eventually follow Jongho back inside, excited that Jongho was going to win back his supposed crush.

Let's just hope it went well. Hey

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