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"I'm sorry to say this but, you guys really need to get some help." Jaemin is blunt with his words as soon as the ATEEZ boys finish explaining everything, not leaving a single detail out.

"Well duh. Our mental conditions have been pure shit ever since we went to the house!" San almost shouted, hissing as he felt a sharp pain on his back from the fight.

"San. Knock it off." Seonghwa glares at the younger boy.

"What about you guys? You've been in there for three years!" Wooyoung looks at the boys of NCT incredulously, slightly jarred because of his busted lip.

"Yeah, but do you see us being assholes to each other?" Renjun spoke up.

"Well, yo-"

"Answer my question Wooyoung." The Chinese boys asks, crossing his arms.

"No... you guys are better at handling these types of thing more."

"It's not that we're better Wooyoung, it's because we've grown to accept the fact that life is unpredictable. One day you're one hundred percent fantastic and then a minute later you could get hit by a car." The boys laugh at Lucas's explanation, but silenced when Lucas glares at them

"He's being serious guys. What happened, happened. We can only move forward from this and not let those experiences define us." Jungwoo adds, holding Lucas' hand.

"I know a couple of great therapists that could help you out! They helped me out with my anger issues a lot, and honestly I'm so thankful for them." Renjun smiled, handing out to each boy a list with names of therapists and their contact information.

"And if you guys need anything, you know when and where to call or find us." Mark pats Hongjoong's shoulder, who broke down.

"Hongjoong, Hongjoong...." Seonghwa sighed through tears as he held the younger close.

"It's been so rough these last few days. Everyone fighting, everyone being awful, and just anger and sadness were dominating emotions in the dorm." Hongjoong whimpered.  "And all of that ended up with Jongho in the hospital.... all because of me...." The leader sniffled.

"I'm sorry, but are you boys here to see Choi Jongho?" A nurse asked, a little nervous because of the scene.

"Y-Yes." Hongjoong answered, voice shaky.

"Well, nothing major was cut which is good. But, make sure he's not doing anything hard on his head and brain." The nurse quickly leaves, shouting, "you may go visit him!" as she sprinted in her heels.

"I'll go first." San volunteers in an instant, walking towards the younger boy's room.

As San walked inside Jongho's room, he felt the tears come down his face as he saw the condition the younger was in. One side of the face was full of cuts from the glass that pierced his skin, but it was bruised from the impact. San slowly walked over, gently grabbing one of Jongho's hands and sitting down.

"Jongho...." San whispered, tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you. If I was still there none of this would've happened... and I also want to say I'm sorry for hurting you at the hospital. I shouldn't have lashed out on you." Tears were stinging San's black eye and busted lip, the grip on Jongho's getting tighter.

"Sannie..." The younger whispered out.

"Yes?" The older replies.

"The bottle incident wasn't your fault, you were injured too. There wasn't anything you could've done to stop it cause it would've happened either way." Jongho began.

"And also, I deserved it at the hospital. It wasn't right of me to kiss you right after I reconciled with Junyoung. But I swear, you were never a rebound for my ex. Ever. Because I love you San, and I hope you can forg-" Jongho is cut off by San placing a gentle kiss in his lips, signalling him to stop talking.

San broke the kiss and stares at the younger. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say those words." The older smiles, crawling on top of the bed beside the younger to cuddle up with him.

"Well your wait is over my love." Jongho hugs the older boy's waist, kissing the older again.


"I-I'm so stupid... if it wasn't for me, Seonghwa and Hongjoong wouldn't have gone berserk." Wooyoung cried while hugging Yeosang as the two sat on the bathroom floor.

"No no baby. You weren't the only one having a terrible time, everyone else was. But still, that situation should've been handled in a better way, even though you kinda did deserve a good shake up." Yeosang whispered the last part, afraid to trigger anything inside the younger.

"Wait... baby?" Wooyoung looks at his best friend incredulously.

"W-Well it accidentally came out, so I ca-" The older tried to explain, but was interrupted by a pair of soft lips placed on his.

Wooyoung wrapped his arm around the other boy's neck, his other hand softly tousling his black locks. Yeosang had his hands on Wooyoung's waist and the middle of the other boy's back. The kiss was slow and sensual as their lips were moving against each other's. The two both pull away, smiling at each other.

"Wow...." Wooyoung gasped.

"You can say that again..." The other replies, his smile soft.

"I never thought you would actually like me back, it feels like a dream come true...." Wooyoung giggles, pecking Yeosang's lips again.

"Yes It has my dear." Yeosang chuckles.

"Yeosang, I'm scared to go to therapy... what if they can't help me? Or even help us?" Wooyoung began to tear up again, making Yeosang's heart break.

"I know you're scared, but this could change our lives for the better. And you're not going to be alone, the others and I will also be doing this." Yeosang places a hand on Wooyoung's cheek, feeling the tear stains on his cheeks.

"Can you please hold my hand on my way inside the office?" Wooyoung asked.

"Anything for you my baby." Yeosang agreed, kissing Wooyoung's lips yet again. "We should leave. The others are probably wondering where we are." The older suggests.

"Y-Yeah... let's go..." Wooyoung lets out a giggle as both boys held hands on their way out.

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