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A loud explosion followed by a wave of scalding heat crashes into the dreamies and Junyoung as they finally reunite with the other boys.

"What happened?! Where's Hongjoong?!" Mark shouts.

"H-He..." San tried to speak but ends up sobbing loudly.

The boys were in complete shock. Hongjoong's gone?! Their thoughts were interrupted by an officer shouting to the rest of the crowd while the firemen came to put out the flames.

"H-Hongjoong come back...." Seonghwa whimpers from Jongho's hold.


"I SEE SOMEONE!" A officer shouts."

"Is he okay?!" Another officer questions.

"Surprisingly he didn't burn to a crisp with the amount of flames there were." The same officer replies, going over to check.

"Well is he breathing?" Yet another officer asks as the first one went to check on the person.

"Barely. He needs an emergency room ASAP." The officer shouts, grabbing the boy and carrying him to the just arrived ambulance.

As the paramedics put the burn victim inside the stretcher, they were very surprised at how little he had gotten burnt. As they rushed to the hospital, some paramedics had a conversiation.

"How did a portion of his arm only get burned in that explosion?" One paramedic questioned.

"Maybe god, Wendy? Ever heard of Jesus and the holy bible?" The other paramedic snarks.

"Chill out Joy, he doesn't seem Catholic. Maybe a friendly ghost?" Another paramedic asked.

"Ghosts don't exist Seulgi!" One paramedic shouts

"Well neither does your Jesus, Joy!" The other paramedic argues.

"Girls! Focus on you jobs for once! I'm still surprised you two haven't gotten fired." The older paramedic shouts, but quiets down as he rushed the boy to the hospital.

"You guys should stop giving Joohyun wrinkles by arguing all the time." A younger girl snides, stepping off to help the older with the victim.

"Shut up Yeri!" Both of the girls shout before following the younger.


The boys find themselves in a hospital, with nurses and doctors checking on any injuries they might have endured, along with police asking them questions about the house and how they got there.

Seonghwa laid in the hospital bed, tubes inside his arm to give him the vitamins he lacked for the time he spent at that house.

"Alright, seems that you'll need to stay here for a couple of day along with the others. Is that okay?" A nurse asked, smiling at the boy.

"That's fine...." Seonghwa smiles sadly.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" The nurse asked carefully.

"H-Hongjoong... is he....." Seonghwa sobbed, burying his face into his cupped hands.

"Oh sweetie. You want me to go ask the doctors?" The lady offers.

"Really? You'd do that?" Seonghwa looks up, red Teary eyes looking back at the nurse's sweet ones.

"Of course! What's his name?" She asked, grabbing her notebook and pen.

"Kim Hongjoong." Seonghwa chokes out as the nurse scribbled down the name.

"Okay! I didn't know when I'll be back. But, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call." The woman said before walking away." The nurse gives a calming smile before walking away.

"Thank you miss...." Seonghwa sniffled, staring at the nurse.

"You're welcome Seongwha. Just call me Nurse Jihyo." With that, Jihyo disappears.



That was all Hongjoong could see.

'Why don't I just die? Why do I need to suffer like this?' The boy thought.

'You can't die yet, you're so young.' A voice called out, a light coming through the dark.

'Huh? Who's there?' Hongjoong questions.

'Who do you think?' The voice asked.

'Mom?' Hongjoong called out.



'No. Here I'll give you a hint. Second victim Mina had killed.'


'Bingo! And please don't sing that song, the beagle line used to sing it all the time just to piss us off.' The spirit complains.

'How am I still not dead?' Hongjoong asked

'I saved you, duh.' Yixing replies.

'But you're dead!' Hongjoong exclaims in confusion.

'I'm an angel. I can save people from death.' The older shrugs.

'Really? Well, thank you..." Hongjoong smiles softly.

'You deserve it Hongjoong. Your teammates would not survive without you." The angel explains before turning to leave.

"But Yixing?! What about EXO?!" Hongjoong asked.

"They're gone." Yixing spoke sadly.

"What do you mean gone?!' Hongjoong calls out, but the older boy kept walking.

'They're in a better place now Hongjoong. You will also be in a better place, alive with your members."

"But Yixing...." The younger tried to talk.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay, and tell the others I say hello." Yixing bid his goodbye before disappearing.

(A/N: Baekhyun's voice: IT AIN'T OVER YET.)

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