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"WHAT?! Where's that Canadian runt?!" Mina screeched, still holding the knife which was contained with another victim.


"Yixing Ge... why?" The Chinese members sobbed.

"G-Get out of here, and b-bring Mina's body to t-the graveyard....."  The oldest Chinese boy spoke, blood spewing out of his mouth. Mina huffs and pulls the blade out, making Yixing fall to the ground with a thud.

"Ge! We can still save you! Just give us time!" Chenle wails as he runs up to the body of Yixing, holding his hand.

"It's okay Chenle.... I'll get to see my members again.... I hope they missed me...." Yixing breathes, barely holding onto life.

"Ge... please don't go...." The young Chinese boy sniffles.

"I'm sorry Chenle.... I'll be watching out for you and the others up in heaven. Wo Ai Ni...." And with that, Yixing took his last breath.

Mark awoke from his trance after being smacked across the face by Ten, who was getting impatient. His thoughts cleared as he saw Yixing's dead body.

"Hyung.... no...." Mark gasped.

"He saved you Mark. Now we gotta save everyone else." Junyoung coughs, still recovering from the attack.

"But the body...." Mark's voice trailed off.

"It's right here." Johnny spoke, holding the body bag on his shoulders.

"Guys! There's a way out of here! Junyoung shouts as he points to a tunnel, light emitting from the door.

"JUNYOUNG! Take the body! RUN!" Johnny throws the bag to the younger, who then takes off running.

"DREAMIES! GO WITH THEM!" Taeyong commands.

"But we cant leave you guys here!" Mark refused.

"Mark. Get help from outside. Go to the police if you need to!" The leader of NCT begged.

The Canadian nodded as he followed the younger boys outside, towards the light. The demons began chasing after Junyoung, but were stopped by Jaehyun and Lucas who guarded the tunnel.

"Guys! There's a secret fountain around here! Follow me!" Jungwoo calls out, running the opposite direction.

The rest of the boys followed the younger boy, with the demons in toll. The boys keep running until they see a enormous marble stone carved fountain, with water so clear that prescription glasses would be envious.

"Now what do we do?" Johnny asked, backing up as the demonized boys drew closer.

Jungwoo and Lucas both jump into the fountain, giving a huge splash. The water resides back to the calmness, but is soon interrupted when the boys grab Yunho and Mingi and drag them inside.

The taller demons hissed and screamed as they were dunked in the holy substance, but they soon became muffled as they sunk further.

"Holy shit guys! You drowned them!" Jaehyun screams.

"Wait for it." Lucas spoke, shushing the older boy.

Suddenly Yunho and Mingi come up from the water, both coughing from the immense amount of water they must have swallowed. The other boys had noticed that Yunho and Mingi's injuries were gone, not even scars were prominent on the two giants.

"Ugh... why are we soaked?" Yunho asked, looking down at his attire.

"I didn't know and I don't care. I'm so glad we haven't died." Mingi answered. "And I'm glad you're okay too." The younger smiled as he pecks Yunho on the lips.

"Uhh guys. You can kiss later but we should get the others!" Lucas shouts, pointing at the rest of the demons.

"I got this!" Mingi shouts while grabbing Jongho and dragging him into the water, Yunho doing the same to Yeosang.

"Taeyong! Ten! Grab San and Wooyoung!" Jungwoo demands.

Jongho then comes up from the water and so does Yeosang, both healed from the scars and the demons.

"Holy crap... we're alive." The Maknae of ATEEZ smiles, feeling his baby face.

"How..." Yeosang was in shock, looking at his reflection in the water.

Meanwhile Wooyoung hisses as he glares straight at Taeyong, who was in a fighting stance as he tries to grab the younger. Seonghwa has noticed Taeyong all alone, which gave him another sneaky idea.

Hongjoong however noticed the older demon's intentions, which then he shook up behind Seonghwa. As Seonghwa tries to tackle Taeyong, he is held back by the leader for ATEEZ.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU RAT!" Seonghwa hissed, struggling in Hongjoong's steel grip.

"Seonghwa! I'm doing this for your own good!" The other hissed, his demon trying to take over.

Jaehyun and Johnny noticed the two 98 liners and got an idea. They both ran up to the pair and shove them straight into the water, causing a giant splash. Wooyoung and San both turned to see the commotion, distracted by the loud noise.

"Ten, Taeyong! There's your chance!" Jungwoo screams.

The two mentioned boys grabbed the last two demons, dragging them into the water.

But for some reason, neither of them came up.

"Oh no...." Yunho gasped.

Bubbles the surface the water, which made everyone tense up. Soon the bubbles grew bigger, which soon became very alarming.

"Lucas? Jungwoo? Is this normal?" Johnny asked.

The couple could only stare in shock as the bubbles got more aggressive.


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