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"Not again."

The boys turn around to see surprisingly see Kyungsoo. The wide eyed boy looked rather regretful.

"Mina won't let you leave, she wouldn't let us leave either." Kyungsoo continues, sighing loudly.

"What makes you think we can trust you? After you and your group hypnotized and almost murder us in our own cold blood?" Seonghwa snaps, making the ghost shudder.

"It was the only way we could keep ourselves alive."

"But you're a ghost, you're dead." Jongho bluntly states, earning an elbow to the ribs from Seonghwa.

Kyungsoo sighed. "Look, we want to leave just as much as you do. But, it's going to be a challenge." The vocalist spoke, trying to convince the others.

"What exactly is the challenge? And why would it be so difficult?" Wooyoung questions.

"Mina has always wished for a proper burial if she ever died young. Unfortunately when those girls locked her inside, they forgot she was claustrophobic. She ended up wheezing and coughing until she passed." Kyungsoo explains, a frown evident on his face.

"So their intention was not to kill her, but she ended up dying anyway...." Hongjoong gasped as he widened his eyes in shock.

"The parents wanted her dead, but the girls didn't. They hated her because the parents filled their heads with lies, which made them feel bitter towards her." Suho replied in a grave tone.


Suddenly Mina emerged from the ground. Rage had filled her eyes as she stared down at the humans. She scowled at Kyungsoo, who remained unfazed of her wrath.

"How dare you speak of my past?!" She screamed.

"They were bound to find out anyways!" Baekhyun sassed, which made the girl even angrier.

"Fine. At least let me explain this from my point of view." She huffed before turning towards the boys of Ateez and NCT, who now stood in a fighting stance.

"You see, My parents were so desperate to get rid of me that they tried every possible solution. They even hired my bullies, aka. My band mates to lock me up in this house. Funny thing is that the joke was turned on them, because they all died. They caused all this trouble because they didn't want a daughter. Now if you two are here to finish their dirty work, you'll end up like those bodies in the basement." Mina's tone went from sweet to sour as she explained her part.

"Did you kill your bullies?" Jongho asked softly.

Mina just smirked. "Maybe..."

"You may have killed those girls, but you are not getting a chance to kill us anytime soon!" Hongjoong scoffed.

"And what makes you think that, Joongie?" Mina mocked, which flared Seonghwa's temper.

"What Hongjoong means, you're not getting your way this time." Seonghwa speaks, glaring at the female ghost.

"Oh really?" Mina snickers before snapping her fingers.

In seconds, the Exo members were trapped. Chains and weights pinned the boys from running. Baekhyun and Chanyeol screamed curses at the girl who just smiled, while the others were struggling to break free.


"NEVER!" Mina screams, raising her arms and flicked her wrists.

The boys of NCT were then held back by arms of previous victims. The boys struggled in the tight grip they had on their arms and legs. Mark tried to call out for the eight boys, but his screams were muffled.

A ghost suddenly grabs San by the leg and drags him effortlessly away from the group. Jongho ran towards his Hyung and grabs his hands, afraid to let go. Unfortunately Jongho's hands slipped from the older's, which then the maknae helplessly watched his Hyung disappear into a wall.

"YEOSANG!" Wooyoung called out to his best friend, who was also being dragged by a ghost. The two boys ended up disappearing into the same wall. Mingi and Yunho were next, screaming in fright. Then Jongho, who desperately tried to pull away from the ghosts but they were too strong.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa were the only ones left. The two oldest looks around, checking if there were any other ghosts coming towards them. Suddenly, a ghost came behind the oldest and pulled him towards the glowing wall.

"Shit.... SEONGHWA!" Hongjoong sprinted towards the elder, who struggled and screamed.

"Hongjoong, don't come any closer.... you're our only way out." Seonghwa whimpers.

"I can't lose you again." Hongjoong cried, his lips close to Seonghwa's.

Seonghwa closed the gap between them, their lips connected into a passionate kiss. Hongjoong sighed and wrapped his arms around the visual's waist. Seonghwa felt a tear escape his eye, but quickly wiped it.

"I'm sorry Hongjoong..." he apologized before he was dragged inside the illuminated wall, which then closed instantly.

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