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I've been talking about this book since October 2018, so here we go.

First things first, I need to give becca4leafclover the credit she deserves for coming up with the original idea for this story.
This whole idea stemmed from a random theory comment she left on one of my other stories, Forgotten Demons, so kudos to her for sparking my inspiration for this.

Thank you for letting me steal this idea and for supplying me with so much brainstorm material lol
Endless cookies for you! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Second...quick warning.

This book is a bit more mature than my other stuff. It's not exactly darker than anything else I've done (as of you even could get darker than NRftW haha), but it's...different.

There's some heavy topics, adult themes, and quite a bit of profanity, so tread carefully if you're not interested in reading that. There's no actual nsfw scenes because I just don't write that, but there's some implications and explicit conversations and stuff like that.

Plus I curse constantly but that's not a new phenomenon.

*coughs* So, with that out of the way, here's some other quick things you might want to know.

- this  will be updated every Wednesday afternoon, at least for the summer. However, my internet schedule is far from normal, so if I skip a Wednesday, I should have it up by Friday at the very latest. Either way, don't yell at me, there will still be a chapter lol

- The book itself is already about halfway finished, so don't worry; there won't be any random hiatuses because I got hit with writer's block c:
I actually started working on this clear back in February, but wanted to wait to post it until I knew I had enough chapters stockpiled.
And yes, it took SO MUCH self-control to not start posting it right away lol

-this is from the POV of the 2nd s1 male. You know, the one with the green suspenders.
This will be my first time writing male Jesse, so forgive me if he ends up a little out of character. To me, all of the different Jesses have unique personalities, and this particular boi is pretty far outside how most people imagine Jesse.
And yes, which Jesse is which is something that becomes very relevant later on.

-if I am not clear enough about something in the story, please please tell me. There's a lot of things in this that confuse even me, so if I need to elaborate on something, let me know.
It is very important to me that all my ideas for this are actually understood, because I spent a LOT of time planning this and I very much so want that to pay off.

-some of the things I've previously posted about this story are now inaccurate. Like I said, I've thought a lot about this book over a large amount of time, and I have changed things and switched around my ideas. So something I may have put up in my Story Rambling book could be completely wrong now. If you haven't read through my Story Rambling book, you're fine. If you have and you think you already know some things about the plot, forget them. I didn't change everything, of course, but there's been some alterations and I don't want to mislead anyone.

- There will be some highly unusual ships in this book! So if you're someone who can't handle reading about any ships other than straight Lukesse and straight Jetra, I am not the writer for you!! Go!!! Elsewhere!!!!
And I don't wanna hear any whining about 'eew whY do you ship lUkDeN it's wEiRd!1!'. Just. Keep ur angry opinions to yourself, because I don't freaking care.

- With that being said, I will add that this story is in no way focused on any one ship.
Like. There is Lukden and Stelsse and Olitra and Jesskas and Luktra (trust me it will make sense when we get there), but it's not centered around romance in any way. 
You'll see. 

-There are a few things here and there that don't match up with canon Minecraft. I know that kinda bothers some people, so...yeah.
Trust me, I know how Minecraft works. I'm just choosing to ignore it in a few places lol

-this is set after season 2, and Jess stayed in Beacontown instead of going with Petra. Don't look at me like that, I have reasons.

*claps hands excitedly*

So! With that said, let's jump into the prologue!

Get yo asses hyped, cause this is gonna be one hell of a wild story


(I'm honestly too excited about this please help me lol)


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