TEN- Into the Unknown

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back to Lukas's pov again!

yeah so i warned ye that it's not gonna be from his perspective very often, but,, it's really not from his perspective very often


mostly when plot stuff calls for it

or when i feel like i'm neglecting him or treating him badly

like now

I wasn't sure why I seemed to be the only person to realize that this whole situation was spiraling out of control.

On some level, I understood Jess's desire to help, and that now that he'd committed himself to this mission, he wasn't going to back down for anything. But I also wanted to absolutely throttle him for suggesting we just leap into another dimension and see how it matched up with our own.

He'd always been like this, from the day I'd first met him. So impulsive, ready to jump into literally anything if it meant helping someone or fixing something.

It was part of the reason I admired him so much. I'm what you might call an overthinker, unwilling to do anything without first figuring out what's really going on. Only when I'm following someone else am I brave enough to dive headfirst into an unfamiliar situation.

I was still a little unsure of how much to believe about all this timeline stuff, even though I'd seen the gates to those other dimensions. It made me uncomfortable to think of all the things I didn't know. I thought I understood how our world worked, and now I was being told that it might not be that way for long.

It seemed strange to be saving the world before it was actually in danger. Though, I guess that because of the whole 'missing constant' thing, it was in danger, just not...tangibly. There was no monster to destroy or enemy to defeat, just a strange, confusing puzzle to solve.

Julia slashed her sword downwards, cutting through the mystical white symbols she'd drawn in the air. Like before, the slash left a glowing white gap in the air in front of us, looking exactly how you'd imagine a gate to another dimension.

Tucking the diamond weapon in her inventory, Julia asked, "We all ready?"

"Of course." Jess replied confidently. He didn't seem at all concerned that we were preparing to head into a vast indefinite. Sure, the three of us were already outside our home dimension, but at least here we'd known from Julia that it wasn't too strange.
If, of course, the idea of parallel worlds could ever be considered 'normal'.

"Good. I don't want any of you wimping out on me if we get into danger." She said with a quick wink. Although her tone was joking and her expression light, she shot me a significant look before turning and striding into the gate.

I bristled slightly. Despite the fact that we'd started out on relatively good terms, I didn't trust her. She was too flippant, too thoughtless, too argumentative. And I was getting the uncomfortably strong feeling that she was hiding something, from the way she reacted to or said certain things.

Radar quickly followed Julia, disappearing into the abyss of white light so completely, it was as if he'd never existed at all. Jess stepped forward to go with them, but I reached out and caught his shoulder right before he went through the gate.

He turned, giving me a questioning look. I dragged in a deep breath, then asked, "Are you sure we should do this?"

"Do what? Save the universe?" he asked in that peculiar tone of his that rested somewhere between dryly sarcastic and perfectly serious.

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