THIRTY-EIGHT - Different Past

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me: heeeyyyy there, happy (late) wednesday. i bet you're hoping for another exciting new chapter?? maybe some villain defeating? or not, depending on who you are and how you feel about villains?

you: yeah, any of that sounds good!

me: ha. sorry. here's another transcription chapter.

also, if there's any tense mistakes, i'm sorry. when i first wrote this chapter, i got halfway through it before realizing that i was writing in past tense instead of present. and rn i don't have time to edit because it's 2am

i think i fixed everything, but there may still be some errors, so let me know if you find anything weird :/


Jasper is running solely on adrenaline.

His faith in himself, his friends, and the plan has begun to wane. There is too much going on, and too much at stake, and all he can do at this point is keep running.

He's scared, to put it simply.

The Endermen had been less than cooperative at first, but now they're tearing into the Witherstorm with unmatched vigor. Jasper has never seen so many monsters so angry.

The area is full of Enderman noises, their screeches, chirps, and the strange teleporting noise echoing around him. Although the monsters are technically on their side, Jasper is still highly nervous being around so many of them.

At least he has the Command Block sword, though. If worse comes to worst, he knows he can at least take out some of the Endermen if they succeed in attacking him.

On the downside, Soren is gone, and now they have to carry out the plan without him. Jasper is still reeling from the sudden revelation about the Order, and the eccentric leader running off didn't help matters.

If I ever see Soren again, Jasper thinks angrily, I'm going to throw him to a fortress full of angry Enderman and turn away, just like he did to me.

He races up an unbroken flight of stairs, looking out at the wreckage that used to be Soren's intimidating stronghold. Both the Endermen and the Witherstorms have done a number on it, and it's nearly unrecognizable now.

"Jasper, look! It's working!" Olivia calls, pointing to the largest Witherstorm.

"That hole's big enough to get inside of." Essa notes. Jasper follows her gaze to see a giant gap in the Storm. It is large enough to get into, but it's also still too high up and too far away. Jasper bites his lower lip, trying to think of a solution.

"Now we just need to find you a way up." Axel comments.

Olivia gives him a thoughtful look. " you a way up."

"That's it!" Jasper exclaims. "Everyone, empty your pockets. Let's see...I've got Redstone blocks and cobblestone from Ivor's armoury."

"I have some TNT from Boom Town..." Axel offers.

Olivia is the next to check her inventory. "I've got pistons, repeaters, and more Redstone."

"I've got some wool, obsidian, and some leftover slime...oh, and some stone from the maze." says Essa, scrutinizing each of the materials as though trying to see how they could fit together.

"Oh, and I still have that minecart!" Axel remembers.

"That's gotta be enough to build something, right?" Olivia asks, a little worriedly. "I mean, if we use the TNT on, say..."

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