FIVE- Necessary Forgiveness

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lowkey hate this chapter :/

it's pretty necessary but also really filler and i just...hhhhh

and i aLMOST forgot to post this rip me

luckily i have a reminder thingy set on my Kindle and it saved you all from having to suffer through the rest of the week with no update xD

jk i know no one cares THAT much about this story, at least not yet

except for me. you have no idea how much i love reading the comments on this lol, you guys are so entertaining

anyway. here's a short-but-significant chapter for y'all


The next week and a half passed primarily without incident.

I did not find the map. Neither Radar or I had moved it, and there was no evidence of it being stolen. It was as if it had simply vanished.

I also did not magically acquire any knowledge on the topic of the so-called timelines or Primes. I had a few theories, sure, but nothing that really made 100% sense.

My life in Beacontown went on as always; comfortable but repetitive. I can't say it was uneventful- because it wasn't -but there were no world-shaking disasters.

Radar seemed glad that I hadn't discovered anything worth acting on, though he wouldn't admit it aloud. Although it had been a good three months since the whole Admin mess, I could tell he wanted to do all he could to avoid anything that even vaguely resembled an adventure.

Lukas was nowhere to be found. I'll admit that I made no effort to actively seek him out, but he didn't visit Beacontown like he usually did. He had a right to avoid me, and I knew that. Nonetheless, I couldn't help feeling slightly bitter that he was choosing to hold a grudge.

I figured that he was either hard at work on one of his books or spending time with his precious boyfriend. However, this was soon proved wrong.

The day in question was a Wednesday, that dull, in-the-middle day that just begs for something to go wrong. I'd been on my way to the far side of town, when I passed by Stacy and Stampy's dessert shop and had to notice Aiden standing out front, talking to Stacy.

I couldn't guess what they were talking about, but they were both smiling. So at least Aiden was attempting to forge new friendships instead of keeping up the bitter personality I'd always known. Maybe Lukas had a point, and he had changed- but that didn't mean I felt the need to interact with him any more than necessary.

I hoped they wouldn't notice me as I passed, but no such luck. Stacy waved in her usual friendly manner, and I sent a nod of acknowledgment in her direction. Unfortunately, Aiden had seen.

He said a quick goodbye to the YouTuber woman and hurried after me. "Hey, Jess! Hold up!"

I steeled myself and turned around, trying not to sink into a glare this time. "Yeah?"

"Do you know if Lukas is anywhere in town? I haven't seen him for a few days, and I was wondering if he was with you." He asked.

I froze, taken completely by surprise. "What...? N-no, I haven't talked to him in more than a week."

Aiden sighed aggrievedly. "Dammit."

"Is he not at home?" I asked.

He shrugged, looking slightly guilty. "I'm not sure. He was there when I went by a few days ago, but he said he was busy with something and needed to be left alone. I kinda figured he was doing something for you, but I wasn't sure."
He paused. "Actually, now that I think about it, that was more wishful thinking than an actual guess."

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