TWENTY-THREE- Event Horizon

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i was gonna say i was really excited to write this chapter but the truth is that we're in a really major part of the story altogether so i'm excited about p much all of it

enjoy (:


"You're Primes, and you're not supposed to be in this timeline!"

Julia and I stared at him, then at each other.

"W-wait, how d-did you know we're Primes?" she stammered confusedly.

Soren gestured wildly to both of us. "It's all over you, like an aura. You're obviously heroes...but there are no heroes in this world! There can't be! That's the whole point of this dimension!"

Dragging in a deep breath, he continued, "You had to've noticed, right? You Primes are a nasty, observant bunch. There's no way you don't know."

"No. I mean...yes, we know." Julia said. "But...why?"

"Because she made it this way. She wanted to see what would happen." Soren said bitterly. "What are you even doing in this timeline? As far as I know, it's not exactly easy to get to."

"We were trapped here, by another Prime." I explained.

Soren scowled, his bushy orange moustache drooping. "Oh, this is not good. Primes are dangerous people, and having them pitted against each other can never end well. You must get out of here, and soon. There can't be heroes in this world- it completely throws off the balance."

Julia and I exchanged a bewildered look again. "We...we don't know how. We don't have the exit code." Julia said. "I just told you, we were trapped here."

"And what do you mean, it throws off the balance? Why can't there be any heroes at all? Julia and I haven't even done anything in this world; but are we heroes anyways because what's happened in our own timelines?" I asked.

Soren's dark eyes shifted between the two of us, and he sighed. "Don't worry. I have a book on the timelines somewhere around here that should have the exit code. And yes. Even if you're new to this dimension, your heroics still carry over with you. It's inescapable."

He began examining the bookshelf towers, beckoning for us to follow as he walked. "This timeline was specifically made to have no heroes in it, other than the Order, and I don't think we really count. It was created in the exact right way to prevent the Prime from ever existing. Everything else matches up the same, but without the key part, the Primum Movens. So having not just one, but two Primes in this timeline could muck up our flimsy reality even more."

"What happened with no Prime?" Julia asked. "How did everything...?"

Soren gave her a curious, sad look. "I don't know how everything happened in your timelines, so honestly, it's hard to explain. But seven, almost eight years ago, Ivor released a Wither on the world. It was under his complete control, fueled by the Command Block. One by one, he exposed and humiliated each of the remaining Order members, revealing all our lies as well as giving visible proof that we weren't as great as everyone thought we were. People were crushed. They didn't know what to think. We all became outcasts, except Ivor himself. He's viewed in rather high regard, though as far as I know, he resents it. He's not a hero, of course, but people respect him far more than they do the rest of us."

"I did lie to the entire world for years." I pointed out quietly. Soren sent me a brief glare, then returned to looking through books.

"How long have you known about the timelines? How did you find out?" Julia asked.

This prompted another tired sigh from the orange-haired man. "The timelines were revealed to me a long, long time ago, by an old friend. She was far more interested in them than I was, and I wish I'd have been able to catch onto her obsession sooner. At first, she only wanted to learn more, but in the end she...changed them. Ended up creating this one, as an experiment. By the time I realized how dangerous this could be, I was far too late to stop her. I know that, later, a failsafe was created in case things got too bad in the future, but it was after she and I had already...lost contact. I took up studying the timelines much later, but the damage had already been done."

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