FOUR- Details and Disagreements

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back to Jess's pov, where it should stay for a while.

also, skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with reading about your favorite characters being jerks. just,, fyi


I was still very on edge when we returned to our horses and started to make our way home. I wanted to be rid of all the ominous thoughts that hidden room had brought forth, though I couldn't seem to be.

Seeing my name penned on that paper had sent an indescribable feeling washing over me. It felt like I'd been punched in the gut, and all my air was replaced by ice. Like the room was far, far too small, and then too immeasurably large at the same time.

I could tell I'd just learned something crucial, but I didn't yet know what it meant.

Lukas had given me the paper he'd taken from the room, though I wasn't sure how much good it would do. No matter how many times I reread the words, they didn't become any less confusing.


What in the Overworld could that possibly mean? I knew what a timeline usually was, but this seemed to be implying something very different.

Not to mention the 'Primum Movens' thing. I'd been so freaked out by seeing my name there that it wasn't until later that I put the pieces together. It was in plural, so there was no way I was the only one of these 'Primes'.

Whatever that meant.

Lukas and I were both significantly quieter than we had been on the way there. That was understandable, though, since we now had something new weighing on our minds. For the most part, our conversation was limited to one of us pointing out or asking something, and the other replying in a few words.

Now, I would've been fine if this pattern had continued the whole way back, but as we were almost in the last stretch of the journey, Lukas just had to complicate things.

"So, ah...I know you said you didn't want to talk about it, but I think this probably oughtta be addressed."

"Yeah?" I asked, slightly testily.

He shot me a look that was half concerned, half nervous. "You seem really...upset, by me being with Aiden, and I just...I'd like to know why."

I sighed, shifting my position in the saddle. "Do we really have to be talking about this right now?"

"Yes. Whatever your problem is, this whole thing isn't just gonna disappear because you don't wanna discuss it."

I could tell he was feeling pretty defensive about this, which wasn't a good sign. Him being aggressive usually led to me being aggressive, which turned into both of us getting mad.

Fine. He wanted to open this can of worms, so be it.

I hadn't replied, so Lukas continued with a small sigh. "Look, I can tell you don't like him. That's...I mean, that's fine, it's your opinion. I just don't know why."

I snorted. "Oh, yeah. It's not like he's ever done anything wildly horrible to me."

Lukas shot me a stern look. "Okay, really? You don't think this might be a little long to hold a grudge?"

"I don't know, Lukas. How long do you normally hold grudges against people who've tried to murder you?"

The severe expression lowered into something more resembling a glare. "As long as necessary. He is not the same person who caused all that trouble, alright? I swear it."

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