NINETEEN- Volatile Theories

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going back to Jess again for a chapter

also hi yes this one is legit nothing but dialogue and I'm lowkey mad at myself,, but also not?? because at least it's relevant dialogue, you know what i mean


I stared back at Lukas's excited blue eyes, unsure if I had heard right. "You what?"

"Essa's plan. We think we figured it out. Or part of it, at least." he repeated. Yeah, apparently I had heard him right, unbelievable as it may seem.

I stepped aside, letting him and Aiden into the storage room. Radar closed the chest he had been looking through. "Seriously? How?!"

"Okay, so I told Aiden about the timelines and the whole adventure, right. He knows just as much as we do- or, as I do, actually." Lukas started, gesturing to the other man. "Anyways, we were just talking and theorizing and whatever, and he realized something about the timelines."

Aiden spoke up then. "Even with all the deviations and stuff, these different dimensions are all still variations of the same time. So my idea was, since the timelines being messed up affects the logic of the universe, is it possible to use the timelines to turn back time?"

"Essa wants her friends back, she basically told us that with all her 'I'm-just-trying-to-fix-things' bullshit. And we've already proven that you Primes are a little different than most people, so Essa could be creating deviations and stuff in order to mess with the timelines and change her past. It makes total sense, in a completely whacked sort of way." Lukas continued.

I stared at him, openmouthed. It did add up, with everything we knew about the timelines in general and Essa's specifically.

Radar slapped a hand against his forehead. "Oh my god! That-that''re right! It completely fits! Timelines, of course!"

"I kind of can't believe I didn't think about it before." Julia said. "It's so obvious. I mean, I've considered why they're called timelines, but never in-depth enough to put the pieces together. I have no idea how one would even do that, but Essa was boasting about knowing more about the timelines than any of us."

"Yeah, same here." Lukas put in, nodding to Julia. "Besides, remember what Jo said? Who are we to say what's possible?"

I tapped a finger against my chin, thinking. "This isn't quite enough information, though. We still don't know how she's doing this, or how she even learned about any of this in the first place. Call me paranoid, but that's what's freaking me out the most."

"No, I thought that too. There's something fishy with Essa." Aiden agreed. "Lukas told me she'd apparently been studying the timelines for years, but what does that mean?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. We're gonna have to look into this better, if we can."

Lukas exhaled heavily. "If we can is right. If Essa figures out what we know, we're gonna be in trouble. Assuming, of course, that we're even right about this. We could be thinking about this all wrong."

"I don't know. This seems pretty right to me." Radar said. "And if we're willing to risk it, there might be someone back in Essa's timeline who'd be willing to help us, someone who knew her well enough to know her plan."

"I'm not sure, Radar. It seemed like she kept her secrets pretty close." I objected quietly.

He shrugged. "Might be worth a shot, if we can't think of anything better." 

"Alright, great. So we've figured out what she's doing, and why. How do we stop her? Because we cannot let this happen." Julia asked, raising her left eyebrow.

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