SEVENTEEN- Temporary Solace

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okay i don't know what's wrong with me but i kept accidentally sliding into present tense in this chapter?? so uh

if you find any weird mistakes, that's all on me

i think i got all of them but i don't know.


The swirling white surrounded me completely, preventing me from seeing or feeling anything but colourless light. I prayed- literally shut my eyes and prayed -that we would end up somewhere okay. It would really suck if we found ourselves days away from Beacontown again.

I appeared back in the Overworld, landing steadily on my feet and opening my eyes. It was night, the full moon shining high above us. Mob noises echoed faintly around me, and I drew my diamond sword on instinct.

I glanced around quickly. Julia also had her weapon out, and Radar was all but hiding behind her as she fended off a zombie. A rattle to my left made me jump, and I barely dodged in time to avoid a skeleton's arrow in my side.

I lunged forward and struck the monster with my blade, finishing it off. Skeletons weren't hard to kill, but they were still a pain. I stuck my sword back into my inventory, seeing that Julia had dealt with her foe as well.

"Where are we?" I asked.

Lukas tapped my shoulder, and I turned. A walled town could be seen in the near distance...and a very familiar one, at that.

"No way. Is that Beacontown? Are we seriously that lucky? No way." I didn't believe it. It sure looked like Beacontown, and the mountains behind it were right, but how could we possibly be here just like that? This world wasn't small- there were literally a million other places we could've ended up.

"Looks like it." Julia replied.

I shook my head in amazement. Truth be told, I'd started getting used to things going massively wrong, so I wasn't sure how to react to this.

"We still don't know which timeline we're in, though, do we?" I remembered. When we'd been in the In-Between, I'd been way too stressed and unsettled to orient myself.

"I...have an idea about that, actually." Lukas said. He pointed in the opposite direction of Beacontown, where the tall spires of another city were clearly under construction.

I tipped my head to the side, unsure of what I was looking at. Then Radar said, "Whoa, is that Champion City? Why does it...look like that?"

Julia snapped her fingers. "It's still being built. We're in the past; this must be the timeline that stems from mine."

"But how far in the past are we? Has to be quite a few years, right?" I asked.

Lukas shrugged. "One way to find out. Let's head into Beacontown."

"Wait!" Radar said. "What are we gonna do when we're there? Talk to the Prime? Or just...lay low for a while? We can't go back to the In-Between while Essa's still after us, but is it really a good idea to get yet another Prime mixed up in this?"

"Hm." Julia grunted thoughtfully. "I'd say we should try to make friends with the Prime, and fill her in on the timelines if she doesn't already know. For all we know, Essa might try to recruit the other Primes for whatever her twisted plan is, so we could use all the allies we can get."

Radar sighed in a distressed sort of way, but didn't argue. We headed towards this version of Beacontown, moving quickly in hopes of getting there before we had to deal with any more mobs.

The thought of being in the past made me somewhat nervous. We were even further back than when we'd been in Jacek's timeline, so if we were going to talk to the Prime, we'd have to be very careful with what we said.

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