SIXTEEN- Rescue and Revelations

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i think it's kind of funny how my chapters keep switching between description-oriented and dialogue-heavy

i mean the description-oriented ones still have dialogue and the dialogue-heavy ones still have lengthy descriptions, but. t's weird.

this one's pretty equally balanced though, i think

also! quick question!

are any of you guys actually listening to the music I put at the top?? cause. you should lol. a lot of the time it's what i was listening to while writing, and i think it really sets the moods i go for in this story c: 


I was starting to get the feeling that we were going to be left in this cell until the Nether froze over.

Which is to say, forever.

At least two days had passed since the Aiden of this timeline had come down to talk to us. We were brought food regularly, but no one new showed up.

Shortly before Aiden had arrived, Lukas and Julia had gotten into yet another fight. She said something snippy and finger-pointing about not wanting to be in this timeline, and he returned with a reprise of the 'you're-the-whole-reason-any-of-us-are-here' argument. It had all gone downhill from there, and now they weren't speaking to each other.

Radar, meanwhile, had produced a notebook and pencil from his inventory and was working on a number of entirely impossible escape plans. Not just improbable, but completely and totally impossible.
He didn't explain them in detail to any of us, which was how I knew that he was indeed aware that they were all dead ends.

Each of us had settled into our own little corner of the cell. It wasn't overly cramped, not by a long shot, but it felt smaller the longer we were in there.

Occasionally, Julia would bang her fist against the black blocks and shout something at Romeo, who was still standing guard outside the iron door. We knew he could hear her, but he never responded. I wasn't sure if this was on orders from Essa or just because he was too haughty to acknowledge us lowly prisoners.

I hated being so completely without information. We'd managed to glean a little bit more about this timeline from Aiden, but we still didn't know enough. We still had no idea what had happened to this place, how it could be so wrecked with the Prime still here. We didn't know why Essa appeared to no longer be leading Beacontown, and we didn't know anything about these so-called rebels, who they were or what they stood for.

Speaking of the rebels, I believed another attack was going on aboveground. It wasn't as loud or explode-y as before, but I heard faint sounds of fighting and people running all through the tunnels, seeming like they were heading up.

I still wasn't sure what to think about Essa and this timeline in general. There were obviously some pretty major deviations- with Lukas being dead and all -but without knowing more about how things had been changed, I wasn't bold enough to make solid theories.

How would everything have been different with Lukas gone? If he'd really died during the Witherstorm, how had that affected the whole Sky City adventure? Or Cassie's mansion?

Something new occurred to me.

If this timeline's Lukas had been the one to lose his life in the fall from the Witherstorm...what had happened to Reuben?

He must not have gone up, right? Could he possibly still be alive?

Or...what if he'd never existed in this timeline?

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