TWENTY-SIX- Buried Histories

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expository chapter?? expository chapter.

i,, was stuck on this one for so long back when i was writing, you have no idea

soooooooo glad i finally got out of that little knot of writer's block, yeesh


"Okay, what the hell are we doing here?" Julia asked, planting her hands on her hips.

I could understand why she might be confused. We were now standing in the Underneath, facing the wreckage of the Oasis.

Though it had to be said that it didn't look nearly as much like wreckage as before. Although she'd been working mostly alone, Xara had done a great deal of work on the place since I'd seen it last.

I strolled casually towards the terracotta and andesite house where I knew Xara lived. I'd come down here several times since the defeat of the Admin, supplying her with resources and building ideas. It was just her, Romeo, and a few former scavengers working to rebuild the once-great city, but they didn't seem to be daunted by the challenge.

Most of the smaller side-buildings had been repaired, and a larger building in the center was under construction. Scavengers and the giant Enderman had torn the place nearly down to its base, so it had to be rebuilt from the ground up.

"I had an idea. We know too little about Giselle- all we've really learned is that she's been around for quite a while now, and she's interfered with the timelines." I began.

"Also, she's unnecessarily mysterious and smug." Julia added bitterly

"Yeah, but that doesn't exactly give many clues as to who she really is." I replied patiently. "Anyways, it suddenly hit me: why don't we ask the man who literally built the Overworld? The Admins must have known about the timelines; if anyone can help, it's them."

Julia was nodding slowly. "Yeah...I suppose that adds up. But Romeo was also really aloof after his whole world-building thing, know there's a chance he won't know anything helpful."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. This is kind of wishful thinking, I guess."

I hesitated right in front of the door to Xara's little house. The glowstone lamp above the door had been turned off, meaning that the former Admin probably wasn't at home. "Shoot. I wonder where she is." I muttered, rapping my knuckles against the door anyways. There was no answer.

"She's probably working on repairs." Julia guessed, glancing back at the ruined city.

"Most likely. Come on, let's see if we can find her." I suggested, walking back on the carved-andesite path.

We headed towards the large center building, both of us scanning for any signs of humanity. A few passive mobs were roaming around, but I didn't see any other people.

"Xara? XAA-RA?!" Julia called suddenly, making me jump.

"Careful." I warned her. "She might be kind of hostile if she hears you, since you don't know this version of her."

Julia smacked a hand against her forehead. "Dammit, that's right! You yell, then."

"Xara!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth.

"Whatchu holleran' about?" a raspy voice called down. I looked up to see a vaguely familiar person standing on top of one of the pickaxe statues on either side of the main building.

They jumped down, strolling towards me. I saw now that it was a tall, skinny woman, her face streaked with black paint and her unnaturally white hair mostly hidden by the pig hat she wore. I had never been certain if it was fake or not, and I didn't particularly want to ask.

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