FORTY-TWO - Primum Movens

87 11 14

mmmmm this one's kind of a mess, sorry. i got stuck in writer's block hell for almost a month :/


"Hello again, Essa."

I followed Julia's example as she strode into the circle of gates, leaving her hiding place behind one of the misshapen dark forms. I gripped the handle of my diamond sword, having retrieved it from where Essa had disarmed me in the earlier fight.

Essa whirled around, the light fading slightly and the funnel of colour from the sky vanishing. Her eyes were wide with shock as she stared between Julia and I, pointing her sword at both of us in turn. " did you...this isn't possible..."

Giselle drew her weapon as well, watching us with calculating eyes as Reuben hid behind her legs. She didn't make any other motion, though, apparently realizing that they were outnumbered.

"Surprised to see us?" Julia snarked to a shocked Essa. "Turns out your interesting little void spaces aren't quite as impenetrable as you think they are."

Essa still looked like she hadn't fully processed our presence. "This isn't real. How did you escape? You couldn't have gotten out of that without an outside Prime, and I took care of..."

Her gaze suddenly flicked to Lukas, Aiden, and Jacek following behind us, and her eyes narrowed. "You...your should be frozen in time." she said in a low voice.

I nonchalantly swung my sword back and forth, mimicking the flippant attitude she'd worn earlier. "Oh, we all should be something or other."

She stared me down with unmatchable malice. "So your miserable friends ran to get him, and he got you two out. But...who got him out? Why aren't you frozen?" Essa demanded, glaring at Jacek.

She then glanced questioningly at Giselle, who shrugged. We began to carefully surround the two of them as best we could, avoiding the circle of light in the center. Essa's confused expression hardened, and her eyes darted around as she assumedly started to form a new plan to get us out of the way.

"You're not the only Prime who can do tricks anymore." Julia goaded.

Essa's swordpoint drifted to her. "Yes, I can see that. I'm so proud." she snarked. "Where's the kid? If you two are out, Jasper has to be too."

"He's already back in his timeline. Not that you really care." I said. The tension in the air was almost a tangible thing, becoming thicker with every new word. I was familiar enough with Essa and her strategies to know that she was biding her time, waiting for a good moment to attack.

"Of course I don't, but I have to make sure you're not trying to stage an ambush. But what am I thinking? You're obviously not. You'd rather go right back and attack me straight-on, despite already seeing what I can do." she scoffed.

Before any of us could respond, her narrowed eyes focused on Jacek again. "Oh, that's right; you weren't here last time. So you don't really know what you're up against, do you? What a shame."

"Don't you start." Julia snarled. She tensed up, looking like she was getting ready to spring at Essa with a second's notice.

Essa cracked a small, wicked smile, tipping her head towards Julia. She still seemed eerily calm, now that she'd recovered from the shock of seeing us again. What did she have up her sleeve?

Giselle finally spoke, drawing all of our attentions. "Essa, just get rid of them, so we can get down to business. You're too close to be stopped by the likes of these."

As Essa raised her sword, presumably to smite us all with all the power the In-Between could muster, I called, "Are you sure you want to listen to her?"

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