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over the course of writing this book, i compiled a list of fun facts, so here they are

some of them are interesting and relevant, others are just random things i thought of or that happened while writing lol


-about 90% of this was written while listening to the MCSM soundtrack and the Story Mode Archives.
It's just,, really good writing music alright

-I still lowkey hate the term 'Primum Movens', but literally could not come up with anything better. Hence why I mostly called them Primes.

-I'm pretty sure I already talked about how similar Essa's whole mess is to the Kaleidoscope Haze song War but they are
To be fair I sorta started basing her story on War later in my planning, but in the beginning, at least, it was a coincidence, since War was released two months after I got the idea for Parallels

-oh yeah Corrosion fits her weirdly well too

-Lukas had a total mind of his own throughout the entire book. I had little to no say in anything he decided to say or do. Life as an author, amirite? Yeah? No? Am I just super weird?

-A lot of what was explained in chapter 6 was inspired by how my astronomy professor described dimensions and how we fit into them. He was talking about light and movement and stuff, but it really helped me articulate my ideas for this. Thanks, Dr. Carico!

-the chapter titles Event Horizon, Closed Universe, and Different Past were all inspired by things that came up in that astronomy class as well
An event horizon is actually a thing that has to do with black holes, believe it or not

-Essa's timeline, at least the idea of all her friends being dead, was inspired by this animatic, which is a major Cri Everytiem

(fuck i AM going to cry just thinking about it)

-I fuckin love Julia. I know this has been said, multiple times, but,, I love her. She was just so much fun to write, and I have no regrets lol

-originally, instead of the whole 'intent' thing of ending up where you want to in timelines, there was gonna be some...coordinate nonsense?? like there was going to be this,,, magical thingy where you put it coordinates and that's where you ended up...I never actually figured out how it would work, since I scrapped it fairly early on. It didn't make enough sense, and I straight-up didn't know how to do it. Thus, we went with the intent thing instead.


-This is...partially because I didn't really think of anything haha. I wanted an air of mystery surrounding her fate, so I purposely avoided coming up with an actual ending for her. It's all open for imagination, where she goes and what she does, how she copes after her plans have been trampled in the dust.

-Though, if you wanna get a little peek at her possible ending, go look at my Short Stories book, specifically After Failure and the Blazing Glory contest entry ((:

-the whole reason I was shipping Jace and Lukas was because Jess was seeming weirdly gay to me in chapters 2 and 4 so I decided to throw in a timeline where he actually WAS gay for Lukas

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