SEVEN- Oddities

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for the record, i hate this chapter c:


Julia let out a relieved breath, getting up from her cross-legged position on the bed. "Thank god. I hoped you would, but I was really really worried that I'd do a shit job of explaining everything and scare you away."

"It takes more than alternate dimensions to frighten me." I told her. She replied with another one of those devil-may-care smiles. "Same here. Which is exactly why I went looking for you."

As usual, Lukas stepped in to be our voice of reason. "Ah, how do we fix these timelines, anyways?"

I could tell from his tone that he was still fairly skeptical about the whole thing. I couldn't exactly blame him.

Julia nodded. "Right. Unfortunately, to properly tell you that, we're gonna need someone else. And even more unfortunately, that someone else isn't exactly in this dimension." She hesitated for a moment. "Or...maybe he is. Have you gotten any strange messages from Ivor recently?"

"No. He's off searching for the rest of the original Order, and I haven't heard from him." I replied with a shake of my head.

"Another deviation." Julia muttered crossly. "Well, my Ivor started out looking for his friends, but someone or something distracted him. I'm not sure exactly how, but he discovered the timelines and the whole deviation problem. He told me all the stuff I just explained to you, with emphasis on the deviations and the fact that they needed to be fixed, but decided soon after that he was going to continue his research in his Far Lands lab. I didn't have a chance to go there to find out more, which in hindsight, was probably a pretty bad idea considering where I am now."

"So..." Lukas started. "In order to fix the deviations, we have to first figure out how. And to do that, we need to find Ivor, who is in the Far Lands. And not just the Far Lands, but the Far Lands of a different dimension."

Julia gave another enthusiastic nod. "Yep! Sounds like a real adventure, right?"

Lukas furrowed his brows, looking prepared to disagree, but I interrupted. "How do we get to your timeline? You know how, right?"

"Yes!" she assured me, then paused. "Actually, no. But I know how to find out. I bet that room you described in the Order's temple can yield a lot more information if you know what you're looking for."

She tried to take a small step forward but stumbled and almost collapsed. Lukas quickly steadied her.

"Careful! You're probably still weak, after being out for so long." he cautioned. Julia regained her balance, touching her forehead with a brown-skinned hand.

"Ugh, I almost forgot about that." she muttered. "I don't remember if I said thanks, by the way. I'd rather not think about what would've happened if you hadn't found me."

"Are you...gonna be fit for an adventure right now?" I asked. She didn't look too heavily injured, probably thanks to the Healing Potions that Lukas had given her, but that didn't mean she was in peak quest condition.

She squared her stance, tossing her head and nudging Lukas's hand off her shoulder. "I'll be fine. This is more important than little injuries."

"How exactly did you get hurt so badly? You never told me." Lukas asked with narrowed eyes.

She gave him a scrutinizing look. "I'll fill you in on the way to the temple. Which, by the way, I think we should start heading towards."

"We should go by Beacontown first, so we can get supplies and horses. Also, I should probably tell Radar that I'm skipping town for a while." I pointed out.

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