Chapter 23

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Ashley's P.O.V

"I got a plan" Louis said.

"What?" Harry said.

"I'll see who wrote it by having Isabell and Brooke right a card for Ashley's Birthday, I lookk at there hand writing." Louis said.

"Oh" Harry said.

Louis leaves the room.

Harry lies down on the bed next to me.

He whips off all the tears on my face.

"You are way to beautiful to be crying like this" Harry said.

I just let out a fake smile.

Louis came back in and grabbed the journal. He was looking back and forth.

"Do you know who did it?" Harry asked.

"To be honest there handwriting is very similar. Harry went over to Louis and looked at the handwritings.

"It might be Brooke because she it looks the same." Harry said.

"But, Isabell's handwriting looks the same to" Louis said.

"We will just ask them" Louis said. Louis and Harry both go out.

Harry's P.O.V

We go into Niall's room first.

"Brooke, by any chance have you ever took Ashley's journal?" Louis said.

"No, why?" Brooke said.

Louis showed Brooke the sharpie marker writing in Ashley's journal.

"It was not me" Brooke said. I noticed that on Niall's desk there was a sharpie maker and it was the same color. I nudged Louis's shoulder. He looks at me and I point to him the sharpie.

"Did she Niall?" Louis said.

"I don't know, but she would not do that" Niall said. Louis looked at me.

"So only Brooke is the only one who could've done that?" Niall said.

"Well it is either her or Isabell" Louis said.

"Isabell" Brooke said.

"If it was her, why would she do that to Ashley?" I said.

"Remember how they were argueing" Brooke said.

"Well i'll see" I said and left the room. I go to Zayn's room.

"Isabell.....did you take Ashley's journal?" I said.

Zayn looks right at her.

"uh, why?" Isabell said.

"Just answer my question" I said.

She looked shocked. SHE DID IT! I just shook my head at her and said "you better watch your back" and left the room. I go into Niall's room and said "Yup, she did it"

"She admitted it?" Louis said.

"Well the way she acted, it seemed like she did it."

"wow" Louis said.

I grabbed the journal and went back out the room. I went into my room and saw Ashley still on the bed, but watching TV.

"Did you find out who did it?" Ashley said.

"Yup" I said.


"Isabell" I said.

"She needs to get out of here, she is so annoying!" Ashley yelled. "She is ruining everything!"

Will I ever win (one direction fan fic) (EDITING STILL IN PROGRESS-CHAPTER 14)Where stories live. Discover now