Chapter 53

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Brooke's P.O.V


I looked at Niall, and everyone else, the were all shocked.


I am so stupid, I put them all in danger!

"Why are you here?" Niall said.

"Because I need to take my girlfriend back" Carlos said. He went up to me and grabbed my wrist.

"She obviously doesn't want to be with you" Niall said.

Carlos's grip on my wrist tightened.

"Just let her go, she is with us" Ashley said.

"You need to shut up" Carlos yelled at Ashley.

She just stood silent.

"Their was no reason to yell at her like that , you are the one trespassing!" Harry said.

"I can do what ever i want with that girl" Carlos said and he gripped his other hand on Ashley's jaw.

"Just leave her go" I said. Then I remember that this was the guy who raped her... He is going down!

But then Ashley kicked him in his you know what you are about to start?

He takes his arm off Brooke's wrist, and raises his hand to punch Ashley. I quickly run up to them.

Brooke grabs Carlos's arm and she is screaming "Stop!"

 "You really should just leave, all you are doing is just causing trouble" I said.

"I haven't even done anything" Carlos said, and took a step forwarrd to Ashley. Why her? Why does he always go after her?

I went in front of Ashley blocking him from Ashley.

"You just like to protect this girl don't you?" He said.

Ashley's P.O.V

Ugh why does Harry have to be involved in this? I can handle my self.

I sighed and said "I forgot my phone in the car."

Which I really did.

"Ashley, stay here" Harry said.

"Noo...I'm getting my phone" I said. and walked to the car. I go in Harry's car, and grabbed my phone form the seat.

I close the car door, and looked at my phone. I looked up and Carlos was there.

I just looked at him and said "Can you go some    where?"

"I can go somewhere, you can't" Carlos said with a smirk.

I just looked at him with an annoyed face.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch to people" He said.

"Because of people like you" I said.

He kicks my shin really hard, and it made me fall.

I still looked at him, not loosing my eye contact with him.

"Now how does it feel?" He said.

I didn't say anything.

"Aw, did i hurt you leg?" He said.

"No" I said.

"Let me take a look" he said bending down. He grabs my ankle, and bends it backwards.It hurt really bad, I was jerking it back but he still kept going. I felt tears going in my eyes. I heard a crack, and it HURT SOO BAD! I screamed.

"You deserve it" He said, an slapped me. He made a run for it. Harry, Brooke and Louis came up to me and said "What happened?"

I couldn't talk, I was just in so much pain.

"Was it Carlos?" Brooke said.

I nodded.

"I thought he went the other way!" Louis said.

"He probably just walked all the way around the place." Brooke said.

I felt the tears running down my face.

"What did he do?" Harry said, kneeling down.

I pointed at my foot.

Harry softly touched it, and I flinched. It hurts really bad.

"Could I take a look?" Harry said.

I nodded. He took off my shoe and sock. My ankle was swollen. I turned away from it because I couldn't bare to look at it.

"It's broken" Harry said.

"'s not"I said.

"Ashley, yes it is, you need to go to the hosptital so they could check it" Harry said.

"No, no i'm fine" I said.

"You clearly arn't" Harry said.

"No! please" I said.

"I'm sorry but I don't want you to go through much more pain." Harry said.


"Call down, and you arn't going to die" Harry said.

He picked me up and put me in the car.

Brooke's P.O.V

I feel so bad for Ashley. It just feels like it's all my fault. Me and Louis go back to the house.

Niall was cooking pizza in the oven.

"Hey i'm cooking pizza" Niall said.

"I can see that" I said.

Lizzie and Liam are making a puzzle? I go over to take a closer look. The pieces are so small!

"How can you guys do that?" I said.

"I used to do this all the time" Lizzie sais.

"Well I doubt that you would get that finished" I said.

"I'll prove you wrong." Lizzie said.

"Where's Zayn?" I said.

"Back" Liam said, he was very concetrated on the puzzle. He didn't even bothered to look up.

I haven't really heard much about Zayn. I go to the backroom, and see just Zayn watching TV.

"You okay?" I say.

"Yea...." Zayn said.

I sat next to him and said "Are you and Katy still together?"

"No...I told her that I like someone else." Zayn said.

"Who?" I asked.


Hi :) Thanks for 1,000 views! I seriously didn't think I would get that high....but lets see if we can beat my friend HannahStylinson >:D She has a lot of views ! haha you should read her stories and also my other friends RachelParker0 and Marilynne_Horan :) Kay Thanks <3

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