Chapter 26

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Isabell P.O.V

I saw Ashley, Zayn, and Harry come out of the room.

"Feel better Ashley?" I said.

I saw Harry shaking his head. He probably didn't want Ashley to know about it. But why, she needs to be alarm of what happens.

"What do you mean?" Ashley said.

"You were freaking out when you were sleeping" I said.

Her hand covered her mouth she was in deep shock.

"What was I like?" She said.

"You screamed like two times, you were breathing really hard, and you were sweating" I said.

Ashley's face got really red.

"What is so embarrasing about that?" I said.

"I was not screaming..." She said.

"Huh?" I said.

Her face kept getting red.

I don't know if she is doing that, or if she is about to pass out or something. I was just confused. I noticed Harry was staring at me and he was clapping his hands. Is it just me? Because I don't know what is going on.

Brooke's P.O.V

Wow, Isabell doesn't even know what Ashley is talking about...Even Harry tried to signal it. Niall wrapped his arms around my waist. I tilted my head back so I can see his face since he was in back of me. He kissed my neck and said "I love you" I just smiled at him. I break through his grip. I turned around to him, so i'm facing him.

"You know how much I love you?" I said

"How much?" Niall said with a smirk.

"This much" I said and open my arms wide. And jumped on his waist. I kissed him and he kisses back.

"Guy! have some self respect" Louis said. I laughed and Niall put me down.

"I found my princess" Niall said.

"Well I found my prince charming" I said and winked.

"Come here you" Niall said and he pushed his hands on my back and push me closer to him. We both kissed. This is awkward because I can feel everyone watching me and Niall. I turned back around to grab food, but then Niall squeezes my bum. I turn around and with bug eyes and said "Nial!" He just smiles at me. I turn back around and go to the fridge. I looked around and there was nothing in it.

"We are out of food!" I yelled.

"Louis the girl is hungry go grocery shopping" Niall said.

"HARRY! go grocery shopping!" Louis yelled.

"What?!" Harry said smiling "Why me?"

"I don't know" Louis said.

Harry groans and said "Will you go with me Ashley?"

"Ew no, i dont want to be seen with you!" Ashley said.

Harry grabs her wrist and drags her out the door.


"No i'm not" Harry said. "Wait....."

"AHHH, BROOKE HELP ME!" Ashley yells. She Harry drags her right by the kitchen.


"I was joking" Harry said.

"NO YOU WEREN'T" Ashley yells.

And then they go out the door. We all laugh.

"Ashley is so cute" Niall said.

I looked at him.

"No, no, not like that i mean her and Harry and how she acts."

I still stare at Niall like he is crazy. He goes up and hugs me "Do we have to go threw this again" he said.

"Yes" I growl.

He just smirks at me.

Harry's P.O.V

Ashley goes in the car and folds her arms. I drive off.

"Cheer up!" I said.

"No" She said.

We go to the grocery store. I grab a cart and we go inside. We go into the fruit isle. I get some apple, blackberriw, and bananas. We go off to get some milk.

"Hey Ash, can you get some eggs down there." I said pointing.

She just ignores me.

"Just go grt the eggs, that isn't that hard." I said.

And she slowly walked away.

I got a gallon of milk and orange juice.

Then  Iheard these two guys next to me saying "Wow, that girl is hott." and then the other guy was saying look at that nice ass."They better not be talking about my Ashley. I looked up to them and they were staring at her. I put the orange juice and the milk in the cart. And I saw them going up to her. I just let them go because I know that if I say something she woul do the opposite. And, i'm pretty sure that she can handle herself. I saw them talking to her. She just grabs a box of eggs and then walked away from them. She walked up to me and put the eggs in the cart.

"Lets go" She said and started pulling the cart.

Then I heard one of the guys say "Dang, I knew that she would be taken but I didn't know to a guy ugly as that.

ashley stops pulling the cart and looks at them and said. "yea, it would be uglier if I was even with you"

"Oh so you would want to go out with us?" The one guy said and started walking over to us.

"Yea.....I in your dreams." Ashley said.

"Yup this i my dream" He said standing right in front if her. I admit he was a lot taller then her, and he looks like h could beat her up, if he wanted to. They were face to face. I did not like the looks of this.

"Okay lets go" I said. tugging the cart, but Ashley was keeping the cart still.

"Well you need to back off people I do" Ashley said.

"A girl with attitude, yup this one is deffinatly mine" The guy said.

She was just glaring at him.

"You can't hurt me" The guy said.

"Oh yea, we will see about that." She said.

"Ashley come one! we are going to be late" I said. I don't know what we are goingt o be late for though.

And of course she ignores me.

"Oh so your name is Ashley, that is a sexy name." he said.

"You are disgusting" She said.

"Oh am I?" The guy said and took a step closer. He was right on top of Ashley, this is so annoying since I don't know what to do!

"Yea so can you get away form me." She said.

"Nope because you are damn pretty to walk away from" The guy said.

"Can you just leave her alone!" I yelled to the guy.

"Can you shut that loud mouth guy over there" He said.

"Well first of all can you get the fuck away!" Ashley said.

"Oh so you want me to fuck you?" He said.

Then she swung her leg and hit him right in the balls. He fell to the ground. Ashley turned back aroun pushing the cart not sayign anything. We go and buy all the stuff we got and left the store.

"Do you get that a lot?" I said.

"Yea" She said.

"I can tell" I said.

Will I ever win (one direction fan fic) (EDITING STILL IN PROGRESS-CHAPTER 14)Where stories live. Discover now