Chapter Two: Breakfast For Two

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A few miles from the Himalayas highest mountain in the world, lies the village of Simikot. Where it gets cold in the mornings and gets, even more, colder at nights. And yet people rather stay then seeking a better place to live with pleasant warm temperature.

Percy is in his bed in his room under the covers, sleeping comfortably with the warmest night clothes on. He is snoring softly. He had a stream of drool coming down on the right side of his mouth, and he had ruffled brown hair. Then the sun's powerful rays from his widow were hitting his face, causing him to turn away.

Then there are three gentle knocks on his bedroom door. Percy started to twist and turn in his bed.

"Percy?" Brenda, who is still in her nightclothes and had her hair curly hair up in a bun, stood out in the hallway as she knocked on Percy's bedroom door.

"Are you up yet?" Percy sat up on his bed with his eyes still closed shut as he rubbed them.

"Huh?" Percy mumbles with a yawn as he stretches his arms into the air. "Yeah, I'm up."

Brenda was not at all convinced with that answer. Not one bit.

Percy wiped away the reaming drool around his mouth.

"How long did you and Snowball stay up last night, anyway?" Brenda asked curiously, referring to Migo. Percy gave the Yeti that name call him by. Since he couldn't figure out what his real name is. He named Snowball because he looks like a warm white soft big snowball.

Ever since the Yetis started coming down on a daily bases, Migo would come to Percy's widow and have their little conversation about almost about anything before Migo goes home. Conversations like that would last till midnight or even past midnight.

Percy's eyes open slightly as he laid back down into his comfy soft pillow, staring at the ceiling.

"Snowball and I were up till midnight. He sorta helped me plan what we're going to do today,"

He pauses for a second.

"And we kinda lost track of time."

Brenda sighs as she chucked a little.

"Well, we have to get ready soon. The Yetis are coming down sometime today."

Percy's blue crystal eyes shout open as soon Brenda finished her sentence. Percy sat up and frantically checked his phone for the time, which is changing on his nightstand next to him. The time on his phone said 9:27 AM. He had to get going and fast.

"Oh yeah, that's right!"He gasped in excitement.

Percy got out bed admittedly and ran out his bedroom and went straight to the bathroom, leaving Brenda out in the hallway with a smirk on her face. She shocks her head.

"Oh, Percy."

After Percy did his personal hygiene and handling his business in the bathroom, he came out to see Brenda sitting criss-cross on the couch in the living room watching the news channel on the medium-size television. The blinds in the living room are open, and therefore, the living room is full of natural morning light. It is usual for them to have the news on television every morning.

"Good morning, Brenda." Percy greeted.

Brenda turned her head to Percy with a little greeting smile on her face, glad to see Percy awake.

"Good morning to you too, Percy." She greeted back. Percy came around the couch and sat next to Brenda.

"Anything going on in the news lately?"

"Well, A lot of things are happing. But there mostly have been extremely bad."

Percy couldn't deny that. "I bet."

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